
Saturday, December 27, 2014

12/24/14 & 5/18/15 at st victor church, west hollywood, Christmas eve...prayers for all attendees

above: Christmas Eve @ st victor
below: 5/18/15 evening service

we pray for Fr. Jeremiah @ st. Victor & pray for the parishioners & social climate @ this parish...sometimes there are a few who seem to have a controlling sense-of-entitlement to the church over others & can become a bit domineering, detracting from the spiritual atmosphere we should ALL be enjoying at church. Ask yourself when you think of "your church" you say "at my church" or do you say at "our church" and think of ALL people who believe in Jesus Christ, or might come to believe. Or do you think of only "cradle catholics" who have attended & served their catholic parish all their lives. If the church only truly belongs to the cradle catholics, or only to those who work or serve the church as eucharistic ministers, deacons, et al,  then please let us know at the door, and I won't bother trying any further to be included. I serve the church "out there" but hope to be included and re-energized when I come to the church building and sit with other parishioners rather than be subtly informed that I am at the bottom of the "pyramid" so to speak since I am not an ordained priest, and not a eucharistic minister, and not a deacon, but merely a church attender. I do serve the church, but not formally. Apostle Paul & Jesus says this makes me a member of the body of Christ. Do we truly believe this? Or do some only really believe that those who work "in the spotlight" at the church building are really doing God's work?