
Saturday, August 5, 2023

re Rat Beach, PV Redondo

The area below the club house used to be a good place to go snorkeling. I even saw a small shark here one time. But for some reason it's become so clogged with kelp it's almost impossible to swim through.

 Not sure what happened but  I hope it's something they can fix or will naturally fix itself. 

As for the beach by The lifeguard stand that's a mixed bag of people- some  of the sketchy people don't like the regular beach so sometimes they come here- so not always so great .  A Latino family kept throwing the soccer ball at me while I was waiting for waves to body surf. Not sure what that was all about .

Also, I don't think they comb  and groom the sand  here like they do  northward. 

 I only come here when I don't want to go up north & back to save a little gas