
Sunday, February 16, 2025

re Encinitas library 

I'm concerned about some of the security guards at this library being supremacists. The problem is that whatever color the security guards are, they will usually end up being supremacists in favor of their own color. You might say well since I'm so-called 'white" and most of the security guards are white that it works in my favor.

 Problem being is that I don't want or need any kind of favoritism. And human nature is to become lazy (not necessarily lazy but also mentally) if the security guards don't have something constructive to do. 

And I'm concerned about the minds of the security guards becoming lazy (ie minds drifting, not constructively occupied).

 The question is why security is needed at all ? Let alone 2 security guards per shift ? I remember the days before there was security and I never recall anything too bad happening.

 As such, the only rationale for suddenly requiring two security guards per day per shift is usually something POLITICAL. And at a library that usually means it's in favor of the Lefty cause unfortunately.