
Saturday, August 3, 2024

Re Sunset Beach CA 

This beach should be called 
Stingray Beach ⛱️ . Every step you take watch out for stingrays, not that you can see them usually. And they refuse to post signs warning people about them because then they lose the tourist income. People freak out too easily. 

I've been stung at least three or four times and it is extremely painful. One time I saw a young girl get stung and she was in pain and her mom told her "don't be a baby". The mom was clueless.

It's a LOT WORSE than a bee sting or thorn. The lifeguards DO have hot water in case you get stung. Usually I would go back to my car where I can heat up water on my little portable stove and just soak my foot for 2 or 3 hours. At least normally it's NOT deadly or will cause any long-term damage. These are usually little stingrays in the shallow areas.

The main reason I got stung so many times is I like to body surf and I would often jump up and my feet coming down would surprise the stingrays which causes them to lash out. I learned over time to wear booties and also to do the so-called STINGRAY SHUFFLE. 

If you keep your feet on the sand and shuffle in every direction you go rather than step or jump, they will usually hear you coming and move out of your way. In general they're NOT aggressive Nor stalking your feet but are defensive if surprised, kind of like rattlesnakes 🐍.