
Sunday, April 10, 2022

Review of Newport Beach Library (April 2022)

It's been quite a journey since I first arrived at Newport Beach Library as well as going to a few of the other branches.  AND it's been pretty good they have a nice facility especially the Main Library.  I remember I arrived right before they did the remodeling and open up the back.  Then later they added the computer lab downstairs and made a few changes for the computers upstairs.  in general pretty good atmosphere. I wish the carrels in the upstairs area were a little higher so you didn't have to see other people's faces . I had a few interactions with some staff members that weren't so great when I first arrived . I was still new to Newport Beach and loving the beaches and parks and things and some of them were kind of jaded to how nice Newport Beach is unfortunately. But other staff members were commendable and nice.

 And then there's the various patrons : The Good the Bad and the Ugly as they say. And then there was the covid shutdown or slowdown.  Newport Beach stayed open more than most other places which is commendable πŸ‘.  I salute u 4 sticking it out without getting paranoid. Lately I've been using the computers again after  returning from  several months traveling.

 And now there's a new employee -I think he's an employee of yours- a little different - I mean he looks like  a male but he wears a skirt and now I guess we're not allowed to say if somebody's a male or female unless they tell us they are but how do you describe a person  otherwise?  He came  around  near the end of the day in the computer lab. But a few days later he was just sitting on a computer using it like a patron and laughing loudly kind of disruptive. Seemed  out of character for an employee so I begin to wonder if he actually is an employee or not. I hope he's not trying to establish the downstairs computer lab as his territory.  You can really feel his/her presence when he/she is there and it's NOT a good vibe

And then some of the faces I remember I haven't seen around in a while so I don't know - maybe they're at the other branches or whatever but then there's a few faces I still remember who've gotten better in some regards . A few  of them originally seemed a bit overbearing - kind of territorial - but now  seem to have gotten a little better.

I use the computers at the library for specific legal, moral, and ethical purposes, and not just fooling around.  Even though if I was just fooling around (ie entertainment)  that would acceptable as well in terms of our value-free culture but I tell you just to inform anybody who's interested that I'm not  playing around on computers. I have a Christian Ministry that I take very seriously and that's what I spend most of the time using the computers for. 

And I am on sabbatical from my Christian Ministry work I divide my  time between Newport Beach & Palos Verdes. I can't complain (except about gas prices, April 2022.) 

I am conservative and disagree with almost everything about Democrat Lefty politics including the California governor πŸ‘Ž and the current person in the White House πŸ‘Ž