
Thursday, September 10, 2015

8/25/15 i SAW this guy @ mcdonalds newport beach...clearly a transient...probably an "illegal"

 8/25/15 i SAW this guy @ mcdonalds newport beach...clearly a transient...probably an "illegal" ...and yet he was very DEFENSIVE. I tried to strike up a friendly conversation with him, but he didn't want to talk. This is the PROBLEM in southern California (maybe Texas too). There are those of us who WANT TO BE HELPFUL and assist people who come to USA legally or illegally, and yet if they are "illegal" they tend to be secretive about it even when it is so obvious. And we can't ever get to truly know their story . IT's the story that helps create a narrative that we as people can enter into and feel like we truly know and can care for the person. I had a few dollars in my hand to help him and he wouldn't be friendly . I finally had to just say "Quieres dinero?" and he said "Si"  (yes, I was speaking in Spanish to him...I studied Spanish in Spain and got ALL A's)... and I gave him the money and he just walked away with it...not a smile or even thanks.This is what makes it difficult to CARE for some illegals. Some of them DO NOT CARE about us !