The building is interesting architecture of course. But you have the local yokels who immediately know if you're from there or not from there. Which triggers a little button in their brains apparently. people who have worked in a place their whole lives become territorial after a while.
So I have a hip disability and I found a nice spot where I could stretch out my leg a little bit while working on my laptop. I noticed I was in the so-called teen zone which every Library seems to think is mandatory. Even when the library is not in a high teen area . Which the Civic center Library does not seem to be.
Yes, I noticed the sign saying teen zone but not until 2:00 p.m.. It was only 1:00 p.m.. so I sat down and got to work.
And yes I have been here before - in fact I'm not from far away- just not a regular here. The staff that I saw working seem to be pretty relaxed and friendly. I didn't see anybody taking mental notes about me being there.
And 2:00 p.m. rolled around and there were no teens at all. Around 2:30, maybe they changed shifts - suddenly a young man approached me with urgency and informed me I couldn't stay in the teen zone. I said, " but there's no teens here ". He replied, "I know but we just want to keep it clear" . I replied, "Thanks for doing your job. "
When actually I was thinking, if he really wanted to be conscientious about doing his job, he would wait until a teen or teens came in who wanted to use the teen zone. But you could tell he was the type of person like your mother who would say "I'm not going to argue . Rules are rules" .
Except when they're not. It's about the spirit of the law. It's why you should be upset if a police officer gave you a speeding ticket for going 56 in a 55 mph. He's violating the spirit of the law. But there will always be those types of people who just want a job where they enforce a rule WITHOUT HAVING TO THINK ABOUT IT.
You just want ,or hope, to expect more at a an establishment where you assume people are there because they enjoy "using their brains" and they didn't get a degree in library science just because it would be an easy mindless job.