
Monday, March 24, 2025

re Marin county Civic center Library 

The building is interesting architecture of course. But you have the local yokels who immediately know if you're from there or not from there. Which triggers a little button in their brains apparently. people who have worked in a place their whole lives become territorial after a while. 

So I have a hip disability and I found a nice spot where I could stretch out my leg a little bit while working on my laptop. I noticed I was in the so-called teen zone which every Library seems to think is mandatory. Even when the library is not in a high teen area . Which the Civic center Library does not seem to be.
 Yes, I noticed the sign saying teen zone but not until 2:00 p.m.. It was only 1:00 p.m.. so I sat down and got to work. 

And yes I have been here before - in fact I'm not from far away- just not a regular here. The staff that I saw working seem to be pretty relaxed and friendly. I didn't see anybody taking mental notes about me being there. 

And 2:00 p.m. rolled around and there were no teens at all. Around 2:30, maybe they changed shifts - suddenly a young man approached me with urgency and informed me  I couldn't stay in the teen zone. I said, " but there's no teens here ". He replied, "I know but we just want to keep it clear" . I replied, "Thanks for doing your job. " 

When actually I was thinking, if he really wanted to be conscientious about doing his job, he would wait until a teen or teens came in who wanted to use the teen zone. But you could tell he was the type of person like your mother who would say "I'm not going to argue . Rules are rules" . 

Except when they're not. It's about the spirit of the law. It's why you should be upset if a police officer gave you a speeding ticket for going 56 in a 55 mph. He's violating the spirit of the law. But there will always be those types of people who just want a job where they enforce a rule WITHOUT HAVING TO THINK ABOUT IT. 

You just want ,or hope, to expect more at a an establishment where you assume people are there because they enjoy "using their brains" and they didn't get a degree in library science just because it would be an easy mindless job. 

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Verse of the Day 3.8.25

"For the word✝️
 of God 
is alive & active.
 Sharper than any
 double-edged sword ⚔️ 
it penetrates even to
 dividing soul & spirit,
 joints & marrow;
 it judges the
 thoughts & attitudes
 of the heart.♥️
      -Hebrews 4:12

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Verse of the Day 3.6.25

"Many will be purified,
 made spotless & refined, 
but the wicked will
 continue to be wicked.
 None of the wicked 
will understand,
 but those who are wise 
will understand."
     -Daniel 12:10

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

re CISAC Luncheon Lectures At Stanford (Perry Conference room) 

Because I don't see a separate listing for CISAC (Center for International Security and Cooperation) on maps I will do the review here . It's about the periodic luncheon lectures on the second floor Perry room. 

Most recently on 3/4/25 I was there to hear a lecture entitled "Russia and Iran: Partners in Defiance from Syria to Ukraine" by Nicole Grajewski. I arrived a few minutes late just as it was starting. There's an African-American lady who checks the names to see if you're entitled to have a lunch (if you RSVP'd) .

 She always tells me sternly to BE QUIET when she asks me my name even though I'm already being quiet. It feels more like Power & Control rather than a sincere concern that by saying my name too loud I might be disrupting the lecture. I could sense immediately that she does not approve of me. 

Nonetheless, she gave me the okay to grab a meal from the table and so I took it and entered the conference room and almost all the empty chairs were right in front of the speaker. I wish they could have the first arrivals sit up front so that people who come in a little bit late don't have to walk awkwardly all the way up to the front . This seems to be more of a disruption than saying my name too loud in the hallway. 

Then, the lunch they provide is too complicated. All I want or need is a basic sandwich. Instead I got sushi and rice and a little bit of beef, inside a styrofoam dish that was very loud to open. And they give you some sauce to pour on it which is also difficult to open let alone open it quietly.

 In fact it was so difficult I just set it aside afraid that I was going to pop it open and spill it all over myself- some kind of green curry filled to the brim.  I decided to try to eat the meal without the sauce, but the first bite of the rice was cold & not appetizing to me. 

I don't know how they order these meals. Does the person who coordinates everything have a choice about what's on the menu ? If so, I encourage them to make it more simple next time.

 Finally, I am a simple member of the public and not an expert on any of these topics. And I'm surrounded by these people called "fellows " who are studying the exact topic about which is being lectured upon. These are the people who should be in front. 

Here I am, a simple man, forced to sit up front with these two experts ( Nicole & the professor) in front of me during the question period after the lecture. I have average knowledge of the topic of Iran and Russia based on reading the news, listening to podcasts etc, & yes I am a college graduate & graduate school but not in this area of study. I'm educated, but relatively simple.

 I like the idea of them keeping these lectures open to the public but they should have separate seating areas. Put the public in the back so we don't have to awkwardly sit in front of the experts and feel stupid.

 And make the meals simple. Pizza is a good easy one. Or sandwiches with a side of chips. Nonetheless, thank you for your hospitality or attempt to be hospitable. And tell the African-American lady I'm not a bad person. I'm a good guy with good intentions and a good heart ❤️. God bless you. 

I have always lived by this Bible verse

I have always lived by
 this Bible verse:

"Do not take revenge, 
my dear friends, 
but leave room
 for God's wrath, 
for it is written: 
"It is mine to avenge; 
I will repay," says the Lord."
     ......      -Romans 12:19

Speaking of which, when I was a student at Fuller, there was an  incident in which I was a victim of police brutality. When I took them to court, the opposition somehow got some of the papers I wrote for a class at Fuller Seminary, and they quoted something that I wrote to try to portray me as justifying violence. 

Not only was it misquoted and out of context to try to make me look like a person who justifies violence in some cases (as opposed to 'just war' at a plural or 'corporate 'level), the question is which person(s) at Fuller seminary saved the papers that I wrote and gave them to somebody in the opposition in my case against the city. 

(And it raises another question about why they're making copies of papers that I wrote, & apparently of students in general? Why they keeping/copying the intellectual property of students and trying to make a psychological profile of them?  When I write a paper for a class, I assume it's read by the  almighty professor , graded, & returned to the student. And that's the end of it. But this might not be the case at Fuller .
It's kind of sickening, eerie,  & creepy to say the least. 

If you are a current student at Fuller Seminary, you might want to inquire about whether they they are keeping your intellectual property, and God forbid that anything should happen again such as happened to me,  whether they will use it against you , or allow it to be used against you in an inappropriate manner out of context. 

But then, of course, if they're doing this furtively behind the scenes, will they be honest if you inquire about it? ) And I don't mean to cast aspersions on everybody at Fuller, it may be just a few rogue persons )

But somebody (singular or plural) at Fuller Seminary betrayed me and tried to make me look like a bad person, or a  person with potential for violence. 

This was/is very disturbing to say the least. Who, at Fuller is so high and mighty that they think they can decide who is a good or bad person ? All of us come from different backgrounds and different walks of life and spiritual progression. The word progression means spiritual growth. Nobody comes in to Fuller like a perfect little innocent saint nor leaves as a perfect person.

 None of the professors either. Neither attending Fuller nor working at Fuller makes you a perfect person. We are all still on a journey hopefully improving in our walk with Christ daily. Whichever rogue person or persons is behind this kind of nonsense, to put it mildly, needs to take the log out of their own eye first. 

Are they taking your intellectual property and putting it into some sort of psychological AI processor and coming up with some kind of profile based on very superficial material. Or handing it over to somebody even more supercilious in the psychology department to "analyze"? People who think they know much more than they actually do?  People who think they know more than God Himself? 

Fuller seminary also takes grants from pharmaceutical companies. Huge grants by the way, not just a few pennies here and there. So you need to ask who are they bowing down to in reality ? What drives them? Can you trust them ? Who are they in bed with ? 

And of course, there's good people at Fuller seminary: students, staff , & faculty. But if the central nervous system is controlled by a few corrupt individuals, as they say " a bad apple ruins the whole batch. "

 I was and am a good person with good intentions, a good♥️ heart,  and still growing in Christ ✝️ on a daily basis. I have never advocated violence against other individuals or taken the law into my own hands. And I have never used violence against anybody. Repeat: NEVER

We ask for spiritual intercession for Fuller Seminary to weed out some of the evil within. I ask prayer warriors to pray constantly without ceasing for Fuller Seminary and a Holy Spirit breakthrough!

Saturday, March 1, 2025

John Keating 👎

Re Stanford Beach volleyball 🏐 obsessive compulsive fear of any personal video footage 

The older white guys in red and one hag in red are freakin compulsively obsessed with spectators video- taping any of the beach volleyball events to the extent that I don't even want to go to this place anymore 😡😡😡👎👎👎's that freakin bad. . 

They will watch you obsessively if they think you are video recording a single second . They assert that "this is Stanford private property"..therefore they have the right to say "no video".

 Regardless of the legality of such a claim , who wants to get an argument with these white supremacists (and I'm white too) .

 The 2 older white guys (60's & 70's, maybe 80's) are so freakin bored out of their minds because nothing ever significant happens, they have to create FICTION in their minds to keep themselves engaged . They create drama even when " THERE'S NO THERE THERE",esp John Keating👎😡. 

IT'S time for Stanford to get some "young blood " in the ranks of the Red People, and of diverse skin colors. This isn't the 50's anymore . 

re the overbearing Stanford "RED" employees (bag searchers, ushers, watchers, ticket takers, etc) 👎😡

Attn: Stanford administration re The Red Plague at Stanford athletic events 😡👎

These Stanford employees in red (ushers, bag searchers etc) take their jobs TOO DAMN SERIOUSLY which takes ALL THE FUN out of being a spectator. There has NEVER, repeat NEVER,  been a serious threat or even a problem of drunkeness etc at a Stanford sport event. 

The RED PEOPLE literally are so bored to death because of good behavior, they have to find,  or create things, to NITPICK about to give them a sense of purpose.

 It's really SAD 😡.Berkeley doesn't have this problem. The "watchers" there are laid back 😎and cool and make it an enjoyable experience, and includes younger people as well as African-Americans. Why has the fun- loving Stanford community been inflicted with the Red Plague ⁉️

Friday, February 28, 2025

Re Stanford TOTAL VIDEO FOOTAGE BAN 👎😡 ( not even legal ?)

I've been coming to Stanford events for years and I usually take a short video clip or 2 to remember the event years layer .. Plus people seem to enjoy them .. I understand if Stanford doesn't want people to live stream or tape the entire event ( which I would never do nor want to do) but short clips have always been a basic public legal right at public events (even if they are on 'private property ' such as a stadium, private school, etc. for parents, fans, journalists etc.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

re nitpicking at Milpitas Library

i went to the upstair section and sat in a soft chair with the laptop cord plugged in to the nearby desk. moments later the white lady told me that "policy" doesn't allow it  (apparently watching me intently, i don't know why, other than she is one of those white females who likes to nitpick white males (in a mostly non-white library, predominantly asian now)  so she can feel superior)  (she had to twist her neck to watch me as she was normally looking the opposite direction). meanwhile I see kids sitting on the floor in one section (probably also a policy violation), and after I moved to a new seat an asian guy sat down and put a blanket over his head and fell asleep and started snoring loudly and nobody said anything about it. what this tells me is that I was targeted not because of a serious "policy violation" (hardly anybody walks in that corner so it would not be a actual tripping concern) but because of being a white male. SHAME ON THIS LADY.

But also, why not add some plugs near the soft chairs on the 2nd floor. I can't sit very long in the hard chairs at a desk because of a hip disability. If it's a serious concern to have a cord stretched over to a desk , add some plugs near the soft chairs to accomodate those of us with disabilities .

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

re Sunset Beach lifeguard who will NOT get out of his truck (LAZY) 😡👎 (north of Huntington Beach CA) 

Every time I go body surfing during the winter when hardly anybody else is out there the lifeguard in his truck always comes and parks directly across from me and just sits there and watches me the ENTIRE TIME I'm body surfing. 

THIS STARTED HAPPENING a few years ago. And then I hadn't been back for a while. But then I returned recently and it happened again. The lifeguard SHOULD be able to CLEARLY 👀SEE by observing for a short while that I'm a competent swimmer & of an age and maturity that I am able to handle myself (this happens even when it's low tide & I'm body surfing waist deep - no rip tides, no danger, not even high surf necessarily) .

 So there's something else going on besides a concern for my safety. It almost feels like harassment. He could sit in his truck a little ways down the beach so it doesn't feel so conspicuous and obvious that he's sitting there watching ONLY ME.  

Needless to say, this is the permanent lifeguard who never gets out of his truck. He's not like the physically fit college kids who do it for a summer temp job. I wonder if he actually ever goes into the water. Has he ever actually had to save somebody ? It's a shame really that they pay somebody to do that job permanently and NEVER get out of the truck. 

There should be a requirement that he walks the beach at least once or twice per day. Nobody likes being harassed by a lifeguard 👎😡. LEAVE ME ALONE. I DON'T NEED OR WANT YOU WATCHING ME SO INTENTLY . 

Sunday, February 23, 2025

I don't like the way @CapitalOne sends this email every month with a COMMAND to make a payment.

I don't like the way @CapitalOne sends this email every month with a COMMAND to make a payment. It's very condescending & overbearing & bossy of them,  more like you would expect from a collections agency trying to intimidate you 😡👎. Esp b/c I always make my payments on time.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

NO, NOT Pasadena. Sorry to say but not even the homeless went to camp in Pasadena "CA City Addresses Homeless Issue by Passing Sweeping Ban on Camping on Public Property " 

NO, NOT Pasadena. Sorry to say but not even the homeless went to camp in Pasadena 😄😆😁 "CA City Addresses Homeless Issue by Passing Sweeping Ban on Camping on Public Property "

Verse of the day

You will seek me &
 find me when you 
seek Me with 
All your heart.
        -Jeremiah 29:13

re Encinitas library 

I'm concerned about some of the security guards at this library being supremacists. The problem is that whatever color the security guards are, they will usually end up being supremacists in favor of their own color. You might say well since I'm so-called 'white" and most of the security guards are white that it works in my favor.

 Problem being is that I don't want or need any kind of favoritism. And human nature is to become lazy (not necessarily lazy but also mentally) if the security guards don't have something constructive to do. 

And I'm concerned about the minds of the security guards becoming lazy (ie minds drifting, not constructively occupied).

 The question is why security is needed at all ? Let alone 2 security guards per shift ? I remember the days before there was security and I never recall anything too bad happening.

 As such, the only rationale for suddenly requiring two security guards per day per shift is usually something POLITICAL. And at a library that usually means it's in favor of the Lefty cause unfortunately. 

Thursday, February 13, 2025

2.13.26 re Discount Tire, 2580 S Kolb Rd, Tucson, AZ 85710 

They're very friendly, initially, on the phone 🤳 said they'd do a free patch/plug for a tire with a nail. Then when I arrived they claimed it was too worn out to legally patch or plug. And they claimed 3 of my 4 tires were legally worn out- 
Ie past the legal driving limit. Literally just drove from CA to Washington DC and back . I replaced one tire in New Orleans during Superbowl weekend. Then made it to AZ. noticed low tire in The morning. Added air. Saw small nail in middle of tire ( ie repairable) , checked it myself for bubbles (yep). After I declined 3 new tires for $400 the attitude of the friendly mexican -american ( all mex- Americans working here) changed: not so friendly - HE WOULDN'T EVEN ALLOW ME TO ADD AIR TO THE SLIGHTLY LOW TIRE SO I CAN GO ELSEWHERE CLAIMING IT WAS ILLEGAL TO ADD AIR BECAUSE ITS TOO WORN OUT. Seriously? Wow 😡 unbelievable. I'm reporting this to corporate. Went elsewhere and got it patched - no problem.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Re St. Tammany Parish Library South Slidell Branch, near New Orleans Louisiana 

Somebody (probably juveniles) vandalized my car while I was in the library. They ripped the red ribbon 🎀 off my front grille . This was on my grille to cover the cracked grille until I can find a replacement. The juveniles probably thought it was "gay". 

No. I'm not gay nor am I promoting it. I'm actually a Christian evangelist with traditional values. It never occurred to me that this could be interpreted as "gay'' but when I reflect on the way adolescents minds work, I suppose I can see how it might be misperceived as such, along with my out-of- state plates from a state that is often slandered by some, due to the politicians behavior (but which many of us who live there also do not agree with).

So when people make broad sweeping negative generalizations about those of us with such license plates based on our politicians, they are adding further insult to injury to those of us who disagree with our own politicians. 

I personally am more in agreement in general with the politics of places such as Louisiana and Mississippi but some people ignorantly & WRONGLY ASSUME that because of my license plate I am in agreement with the politics of my state.

 The teen kids of these people probably internalized the same misjudgements and is probably why they vandalized my car: the red ribbon 🎀 in conjunction with my license plate. 

Thankfully they didn't key my car paint or flatten my tires. Maybe the surveillance camera inhibited them, or maybe hopefully they have at least enough self-restraint not to go so far. 

I was able to re-tie the red ribbon 🎀 to my front grille. It looks better than a cracked grille. And NO, it DOESN'T mean I am gay. I'm NOT gay. I am a male who loves women. 

Hopefully somebody can teach these juveniles (and their parents if necessary) not to make such ignorant superficial erroneous presumptions 🚫👎 based on a license plate 🚗 and/or a simple red ribbon 🎀. 

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Re Wekiwa State Park, Florida 

Snorkeling in the springs was nice. Can't complain about that- in the middle of January 2025 when there's a Arctic freeze polar vortex extending over almost everywhere else in the usa when it's snowing up there in Pensacola, Jacksonville & Tallahassee . Some kids in Florida are seeing snow for the first time 👍🥶😆 using their skimboards to go sledding on. The water temperature was actually warmer than the air- very nice refreshing and you see some fish small and big. One thing that bothered me is that when I asked about fishing at the entrance the young ranger man, if that's what they call them here, told me I could not fish in the springs but to try Sand lake. So after snorkeling I did, But there's clearly NOT much to catch there if anything - that's for sure 👎. The real fishing with actual possibility is outside the springs along the river banks. Or I suppose if you're in a kayak you could do that as well. I'm sure the ranger man knew this as well so I was little bit ticked off that he treated me like some kind of stupid person to brush off. Or if he didn't, he needs to learn a little bit more about his own Park that he works at. Of course that's the new generation - some of them just go through the motions wherever they work and know nothing about the actual substance of the place . When I talk about going fishing, I want to actually have hope of catching something. I'm not one of those "fishermen" are just likes to stand there all day with a line in the water. If there's an elder manager/ ranger at this state park I hope you can educate these youngsters a little bit about this . 

@PraiseTriuneGod was my original Twitter account until it got hacked & removed but before ...

@PraiseTriuneGod was my original Twitter account until it got hacked in early December 2024 & then removed it on or around inauguration Day 2025. But before they took it down I saved a lot of it a

Then I started a new Twitter account @AmeriPrayer1 

And this has sort of gotten infested with bots making it no fun to use anymore so now I'm posting a little bit at  @InfoPrayerWar 

But basically I feel my job is done. I stayed on Twitter through the difficult times after Trump lost the 2nd of three elections. Until he won the 3rd of three elections. Now he's doing his job again in 2025 and I feel a lot more comfortable with the way our country is going. 

So I might phase altogether out of Twitter X because  my job is done PLUS it's just become too difficult with the incessant bots and maybe still some insiders at Twitter X causing trouble for conservatives like me. 

Time will tell whether or not I stick with Twitter X or say goodbye forever . 

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Re Walmart security harassment on 12/29/24 at Monrovia location 

Walmart parking lot security on 12/29/24 at around 530pm was excessively aggressive to the point of harassment . I actually parked on the street next to the Walmart by the IHOP and the security car with orange lights perpetually revolving drove by me shortly after I parked. Then turned around and drove up very close to my car going the other way. There was no reason or justification for following me around or harassing me. Furthermore I'm on a side street on a public Street at this point. Walmart security has NO JURISDICTION in this area. It's like a fellow citizen harassing you. Actionable 👎. And I think I could get a pretty penny from Walmart for harassment 

Thursday, December 26, 2024

SHAME & disgrace on the burger king manager 👎😡 at 700 W Cesar Estrada Chavez Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90012 

700 W Cesar Estrada Chavez Ave, 
Los Angeles, CA 90012

Every year on Xmas Eve I go to the annual La Holiday show. In 2023 my car was not starting well so I temporarily parked at the BK lot because I was afraid if it wouldn't start in the parking structure at the Dorothy pavilion it would be more difficult for a tow truck to pull me to a mechanic. It was not busy at BK 🍔 on Xmas Eve. 

It wouldn't start upon return so I slept in the car and was still there on Xmas Day. I didn't think they'd even be open on Xmas Day but they were. Albeit not busy at all. My car was in the furthest spot from the door - not a desired spot.

 I could have called for a tow using my roadside service but I didn't know where to take it on Xmas Day. Literally no mechanic is open. I had decided to wait there all day. But lo & behold suddenly a tow truck arrived. They claimed the manager had called. 

I went inside to verify & by the time I came back out they had put it partially on the tow bars. I demanded him to put it back down so I could at least try to start it and if that didn't work I would roll it off the lot. 

Miraculously it started ! An Xmas miracle 🙏☝️. Praise the Lord . I was able to drive to a mechanic I knew a my and they took care of it the next day. Needless to say it was totally despicable thing to do on Xmas Day . SHAME & disgrace on this manager 👎😡 

Imprec & Bind 

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Some Catholic priests have a HIDDEN AGENDA when they say

Some Catholic priests 
 when they say
 "pray for the 
unemployed or
 underemployed ". 
Can you figure out 
 what it is ? 

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Re buying water at Safeway in Benicia CA 

Just traveling. Ran out of water. Usually I use the water machines in front of the store which cost me $.50 per gallon.. But it was broken on 12/14/24. Is it permanently broken? 

So instead I have to pay $3.50 for 2 gallons of water off the shelf. I know you're not in charge of the water machine outside. you don't have to tell me. but really, does water cost $1.50 a gallon now ? how much PROFIT is being made on the MOST NEEDY ?

 the only people who buy water are the people who are passing thru traveling etc.(for that matter, WHERE do the homeless get drinking water? Do they have to buy it off the shelf too? ) 

(unless you're very fastidious homeowner who doesn't like the tap water. )

Cmon Safeway.
 Be realistic. 
Care about others.
Not just yourselves.
DON'T be greedy 👎🚫😡
No.ho.ho 🎅🚫

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Re plasma companies


Donating plasma used to be a decent way to help others and make a little pocket money , but with the huge influx of unskilled workers from all over the world who are willing to STAND (literally , they don't have enough chairs)in line as long as it takes (3 hours or more) for less & less money , plasma companies are raking in the big bucks 💰 while dishing out less. And the unskilled workers are willing to wait forever without complaining ,,, . At some point confess needs to do an inquiry. 

Sunday, December 8, 2024

re not always walking in a straight line on Stanford campus & occasionally pausing 

Normally I walk in a STRAIGHT LINE to my destination on Stanford campus. However, occasionally, I may have to pause or even reverse direction for various reasons . In some cases I have to take a phone call and I'd rather pause to talk. In other cases I may not know exactly where my event is located. I may have gotten it wrong so I need to consult my phone. I may have passed it and need to double back. 

Why am I telling you what is probably obvious to most people ? Because apparently there are some people, usually female,who are easily disturbed by any aberration in a male person's walk. They seem to think that any kind of pause or change of direction is a clue that they are potential predators. I don't know how to get it through to them because you can't talk to such persons usually. So I am posting it here maybe they'll read it or maybe some of you will be able to communicate it to them better than I am. 

99% of men are NOT predators, including me 🚫. In fact, most of us men are able & willing to help a woman in distress. But if you keep treating us men like we are the enemy you're not going to have many friends left. I now have to pre-plan my walk accordingly if there's a certain type of female in the vicinity so that I don't cause alarm and, God forbid, get misinterpreted in my intentions. 

For example, recently I was walking to my car and it was dark and a female was a few steps ahead of me and she was nearing my car. And I was on the other side. And I knew that if I crossed over directly towards my vehicle I would almost intersect with her and she would think I was walking straight at her. So I paused and pulled out and pretended I was talking on my phone so that it would seem natural. But I didn't notice that there was another female coming up behind me. So after female #1 had passed and I crossed over towards my car apparently this set off the alarm bells in female #2 & suddenly she went running past me because she didn't want to take the chance that I was hiding in the shadow of 2 cars lying-in-waiting for her, instead of actually I was standing next to my car door by that time trying to get my key in the dark clock.  

The point of the story is to hopefully communicate to nervous females that 99% of us males ARE NOT PREDATORS. But if you keep treating us like we are potential predators you are alienating your potential protectors in case anything actually does happen. 

And trust me, most men are NOT thinking about raping a woman as they walk down the street. Nor are they even thinking about you as a sexual object. Most men are JUST LIKE YOU, trying to get to their car or their destination. Period. Full stop. 

Saturday, December 7, 2024

My message to a female university student after delivering her lost keys

Dear student, 

In the "real world" 🌍 you probably NEVER would have gotten your keys back. Most people wouldn't take the time to try to locate you, contact you, & then also deliver them to you. There's NO LEGAL OBLIGATION.  And I obviously didn't do it for a financial 💰 reward.

 Nor because you were "SO NICE ABOUT IT" (altho try to  remember that BEING NICE does help in the real world.) Oh that's right, you did include "please" x1, & then you concluded with an imperative to let you know when I drop them off. A little bossy. People don't like bossy in the real world 🚫👎. 

The ONLY REASON I did this is because I am a Christian✝️. I don't know if that means anything to you. I hope you will go out of your way to help somebody likewise in the near future. 

Your keys were dropped off at the location you requested at 3:50 pm (PST). 


-Anonymous -

Friday, December 6, 2024

12/5/24 I'll never forget this day when we received TSUNAMI ALERTS on our phones . I was at the hospital 

12/5/24 I'll never forget this day when we received TSUNAMI ALERTS on our phones. ... I was at the Palo Alto hospital which is in the San Francisco Bay area. so I tuned in & slowly but surely the news reported the story and was giving updates live on YouTube (not this channel but a different One).   

Actually the the 7.0 earthquake hit up near fort Bragg which is considerably further north of San Francisco but then they started warning ⚠️ that this is also for the Bay area. Then I saw San Francisco Zoo was evacuating not only people but animals too , or moving the animals. Then the guy on YouTube live said "if it hits it will hit around 12:10 p.m." Not sure how they calculated that. 15 minutes. 

 Then suddenly a few minutes later it was ALL CALLED OFF. Just like that. 

 Tsunamis 🌊🌊are real to me because I actually went to the disaster zone in Thailand after the 2004 2005 gigantic tsunami that killed hundreds of thousands. I traveled through Phuket one week after the tsunami hit and surveyed the damage and did a little disaster relief on a very micro level and passed out some Bibles and things like that. (More like a reporter with Bibles).  So  I've seen the damage first hand.  It's incredible- not something to be minimized . I'm

#MerryChristmas 🎁🎄Season

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Golden One Center home of the NBA Sacramento Kings 

It's ok but just like at a no-fun stanford football games they have ushers assigned to be full time "FEET WATCHERS" ... going around telling people to keep their feet on the floor. What this tells me is the seats are TOO CLOSE TOGETHER 👎. 

I have a hip disability which means if I sit scrunched up for too long I will be in severe pain for the next 24 hours. All that  is necessary to avoid this,  is to be able to stretch my leg out straight. Sometimes I can do that if I sit by the aisle. Otherwise it is nice to be able to put my leg over a chair . 

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Happy Thanksgiving 🦃 from the Original Butterball family (when it was exclusively associated with butter,not turkey)

🦃! ✝️🙏🇺🇲
This little guy with his bicycle 🚲 was the actual 'Butterball' founder ( not originally associated with turkey but butter 🧈.Makes sense doesn't it ? ). 
Read the whole story of the 'Butterball Family 👇👇

Monday, November 25, 2024

re Atherton Library 

One problem here is that they allow "people of color" ( ie so-called
 ' minorities ' ) to BULLY 😡white people. It's not so much that they allow it but that staff has been brainwashed to believe that minorities are ALWAYS RIGHT because of their skin color. IT'S ' white guilt ' on steroids. Therefore if any conflict arises, the benefit of the doubt ALWAYS goes to the person of color even if he is the AGGRESSOR. 

It's time to re- think the in-service training because the fact is it's wrongly punishing good white people. And savvy minorities are taking advantage of it at the expense of very good white people. 
( And remember: ' minorities ' are NOT the minority in CA. They're the MAJORITY. So when white people get bullied by minorities, it's the ACTUAL MINORITY being bullied 👎.) 

 San Mateo Library management needs to wake up to this REALITY before they allow whites to become an endangered species. 

Sunday, November 24, 2024

The Eyes 👀 of the Lord ✝️

The Eyes 👀 of the Lord ✝️
Upon the righteous ⚖️👍
 rest His gaze 🌟,
A light 💡 that shines thru 
all our days 🌄.
His ears👂attentive, 
hear our plea 📜,
In whispered prayer 🙏 
or on bended knee 🛐

The humble heart ❤️,
 the faithful soul ✨,
Find shelter 🛡️ 
in His kind control🤲.
But the Face 😐
 of the Lord ✝️ 
turns stern 🌀,
Against the wicked 🚫👹👎, 
who never learn 📉

For evil 💔🚷 deeds 
He will not abide ⚔️,
His justice ⚖️ swift, 
His truth our guide 
So walk 🚶‍♀️ the path 
of grace 💖 and love 💕,
And find His blessings 🌿 
from above ☁️

The Lord ✝️ is near 
to those who call 📣,
To the righteous ⚖️👍, 
He gives His all 🕊️.
But those who harm 💢,
 deceive 🕸️, & stray 🌪️,
Will meet His wrath 🔥
 along the way 🛑

Choose the light 🌟, 
the righteous road 🛤️,
Let kindness 🌻 
be your heart's abode 🏠.
For the Eyes 👀 
of the Lord ✝️ always see 👓,
And His love ❤️
 endures eternally ♾️

- Inspired by 1 Peter 3:12

Thursday, November 21, 2024

When storms arise & skies grow black, 🌩️
I face the winds, no turning back. 🌪️
Tho trials test me, & pain may sting, 💔
I rise in Christ ✝️, a mighty king👑

Each wound I bear, each scar I show, 🩹
Becomes the strength that helps me grow🌱
Fires burn & waves crash🔥🌊
But I have a strength that will forever last

Let the trials come my way🛡️
I'll emerge, a brighter day. ☀️
What doesn't kill me makes me stronger 💪
A warrior's heart ⚔️ , not a war monger 🚫✝️🙏☝️.

God bless America 🇺🇲 

re Atherton Library , San Mateo county CA

It's a beautiful little library but unfortunately it's been occupied by "Gangsters" who spend their entire day here, day after day after day ....after day.

 The problem is that so much prolonged time at any one place leads to a sense of entitlement (ie "mine") , the same way a homeless person comes to think they "own" a particular place on a public sidewalk & become surly 😡towards any approaching person. After a while you just don't want to go near there anymore.  

I live near the library in Atherton but now I actually drive to San Carlos when I need to use a San Mateo county library (unfortunately they have a 'permanent resident' too but not as many as at Atherton) .

I ENCOURAGE LIBRARY MANAGEMENT to think of creative ways to minimize the problem of 'permanent residents' occupying the library at the expense of the average patron who wants to enjoy the library for a few hours periodically. 

re pressure washing sidewalk at midnight on Nov 20-21, 2024 city of Palo Alto contractors 👎😡 

Does the city know that whoever they contract to PRESSURE WASH the sidewalk is doing so at MIDNIGHT on Wednesday November 21-22, 2024 ⁉️ Needless to say it's very loud at a time when most people are sleeping (across from Cogswell Plaza, 255 Lytton Ave) .

 And I hope it doesn't do damage to my car that is parked adjacent to the sidewalk, inches away from where they are washing ("they" being ALL Spanish -speaking workers). Why do they have to do this at such a time of day ⁉️⁉️⁉️👎

Friday, November 15, 2024

Peninsula Library Palos Verdes 👎👎😡 SUCKS 
Upstairs, by the parking entrance there's now a table for one person to plug in. So it looks like a new regular has claimed it as his spot. Problem is he leaves his stuff there plugged in and walks around. Then he acts suspicious towards everybody. If you're afraid your cheap little laptop might get stolen you creep, then take it with you rather than treat all of us like potential suspects. There's NO FREAKIN COMMUNITY at this library. It's so dreadful and getting worse. 

Now they put a lock on the electric curtains on the mezzanine so an employee has to put them up and down. Well, the sun was over the hill, so it would have been nice to put them back up for a few hours since the light is so dim but NOBODY ever came up to do their job. So I got to stare at a white curtain instead of the nice outdoors. 
1 year later, same guy same spot. Is he REAL ? 
The ROBOT 🤖 is still at the same computer 🖥️ 2 years later. I swear he's a MANNEQUIN.
I experienced an ABUSIVE SITUATION here when I asked a lady if she could please be quiet because she was actually yelling into her phone on the other side of the computer kiosk.. she thought that was asking too much and literally growled at me " I don't have to be quiet " 👿. .. even though the little sign on each computer kiosk says " this is a quiet area ". etc I'll finish this later.b

Monday, November 11, 2024

Re Stanford University: this review is about the dreaded hateful "STANFORD STARE DOWN"  

Usually 4 or 5 stars EXCEPT this review is about the dreaded hateful "STANFORD STARE DOWN"  that some at Stanford aim at people they don't like even if they've never met the person. This is usually a lefty political thing towards people the lefty person deems to be conservative.

 I've been the brunt of the dreadful STANFORD STARE by people I've NEVER met or spoken with and committed NO sins against. They will aim their steely eyes 👀 at you in the middle of a lecture or wherever .

 It's a creepy feeling to be the victim of this unwarranted attack. It really is an attack. And I've never even voiced my political affiliation around people at Stanford. It's not relevant when I'm attending a lecture etc.

 Somebody please STOP these creeps from afflicting us decent people with the horrific Stanford Stare 👁️👀🚫🚫🚫. Quoth the raven 'NEVERMORE'. 

I am also reporting it to the Stanford administration when I can document it with video/photo/name etc. They should be EXPELLED for this unethical behavior 👎.

Sunday, November 10, 2024

A word of encouragement to "PROFESSIONAL TALKERS" 📻🎙️

I continue to ENCOURAGE professional talkers (aka radio & podcast hosts ) when making DENIGRATING statements about "Californians" to remember to add "LEFTY Californians" because, just like black people , & just like Latinos, & just like white people ( maybe i should say JUST LIKE ALL PEOPLE ) we're NOT ALL THE SAME.

Also there's a difference between the average liberal versus a radicalized lefty. So when you use "libs" as a sweeping generalization you are missing the mark. Suggestion: learn about this from Dennis Prager) 

cc: Charlie Kirk & his guests on the Kari Lake episode ( re their analysis near the end. See )

Friday, November 8, 2024

Re potentially dangerous homeless fellow in forest on edge of Stanford campus near Town & Country 

Normally 4 to 5 stars, but recently 3 stars because of African American homeless fellow in the woods on Stanford property (across from Town & Country car wash).

 On 11/8/24 I took a shortcut walking back to my car which I parked off campus to avoid fees and this fellow was sitting by a tree near the road and immediately stood up & started yelling aggressively & staring menacingly. He apparently had a sense of entitlement to being there & said something disparagingly about "Stanford students" even though I'm not a student (just attending an event) . 

I thought about calling Stanford police but hope this might alert them instead. Would like to see them patrol these forest areas on foot periodically to prevent this sort of problem before it leads to an actual incident.

Re chubby male employee at rinconada library 

The chubby male employee seems to have taken a particular interest in my presence at the library like I'm a high school rebel and he's the principal, despite me being ALMOST 60 YEARS OLD . I'm also disabled (chronic pain) but try not to show it.

 I think his behavior is "knee jerk" ( ie reflexive) based on some stereotype in the back of his mind and I hope he can work thru this without there being a need for confrontation or talking to his superior. 

I use the library strictly to get work done . I'm not there playing games, nor fooling around, nor idly wasting time. Please leave me alone. And NO SHARP GLANCES please . 

Re rinconada library , Palo Alto CA 

There's an African-American fellow at this library who is literally at the library every single day and always at the same public computer. The problem is that this raises the problem of a sense of "entitlement" - a false sense of "ownership", despite this being a public place meant for everybody. Not a big problem but I notice he gives me a sharp glance every time I enter and exit. It's the sharp glance that bothers me, like passing a "gatekeeper" every time. 

And the chubby employee likewise sometimes. I don't think the chubby male employee likes me. Makes me feel like I'm in high school again with a random teacher not liking me for no good reason despite me being almost 60 now. Isn't there a mandatory retirement age here ?

 As long as I'm doing nothing wrong, I prefer to be IGNORED. And I can assure you, I am doing nothing wrong. Just working on my laptop, editing writing material. 

Sunday, October 27, 2024

review of Hyatt Place Fremont/Silicon Valley: SHAME ON LATINO (alleged) EMPLOYEE

i was totally lost because my phone was malfunctioning and I was in a part of the Bay area i was not familiar with. Pulled in late,  Looked full. lots of cars in the lot. Still not exactly sure where I was but knew the freeway was nearby and I was going south. Decided to take a nap in my car  instead of getting a room. About 2 am "knock knock" - scared me. Somebody outside ! could be a bad guy, or could be somebody who cared. Turned out to allegedly be a hotel employee (even though he didn't identify himself as such , nor have a uniform) and he told me I had "5 minutes" to get out of the parking lot, adding "You can't do that here" . Do what ? Take a nap because I'm tired, and lost ? There's still empty spaces in the lot. I'm not blocking anybody out.  Not likely more are coming at this time either.

 He DIDN'T seem to care about my welfare, not even "Is everything ok sir? " This could be any of you who are traveling; and wouldn't you hope for a person from the hotel who CARED ABOUT YOUR WELFARE ? I had already said "Yes sir" to the Latino fellow who was holding a cup in his hand, drinking a beverage of some sort. Did he really work here ? Or was he just harrassing me? 

And I was already starting the engine to leave. I didn't even dare ask him for directions he was SO MEAN. Is this the kind of person Hyatt wants working for them ? Shame on you. Kindly ask me to leave and then watch me leave. Don't yell and preach at me. Shame on you. Let's try to make this world a better place for everybody, not worse. Shame on you. 

re San Mateo Libraries, esp Atherton LIbrary

I remember the old Atherton library (ie a trailer). The new Atherton library has attracted a lot of "supremacists": but not the white kind (who don't really exist very much, especially not in CA; where whites are actually a minority) . I'm talking about those who think they are  superior to white people .

 I'm a "white person" (although never thought of myself as such growing up)  who has lived all over the world, & been very successful, including numerous academic degrees; & studied several different languages (including Greek, Hebrew, Latin, Spanish, & Arabic; oh, I almost forgot, also Aramaic) & yet I've experienced people here who assume I am a "stupid white boy" . It's the most disgusting grotesque racist thing in the world. 

And the white staff at the library, as good as they are (the best!) don't know how to handle it. If a white person (esp white male) gets wronged by a non-white person (maybe a micro-aggression, or even a more overt aggression) in their minds it's been so ingrained that the "minorities" (who are actually the majority in CA ) need special treatment and empathy and extra patience etc, or even assume that the white person  is to blame for "triggering" them (or if we did unintentionally trigger a person; find a way to educate us as to how sometimes unknowingly we  are triggering them so we can try to accommodate without also compromising our intellectual honesty & integrity, & freedom). 

San Mateo library needs to start training for the increasing opposite scenarios where the minority person (who is actually a majority in CA, repeated for emphasis) is the aggressor. They need to at least begin entertaining the idea that a "person of color" can and will become an aggressor at times; and how not to re-victimize the white victim by assuming the white person intentionally did something to "trigger" the minority person (who is the majority, repeated for emphasis) and therefore "deserves" the wrath of the person of color.  Please start discussing this amongst staff and management before it is too late ! 

Friday, October 25, 2024

Imprecatory prayer re Mean😡 Ken at library

I was at a public library minding my own business when a guy named Ken came in and demanded that I switch my laptop plug to a different outlet so that he could use the one I was using. There was another outlet nearby which he could have just as easily chosen to use by sitting in a different seat, 2 steps away but he refused my suggestion. 

When I didn't immediately jump up to change my plug, he got angry and yanked my plug out and put his in. I couldn't believe it! I called an employee over and she tried to moderate, but she was too mild-mannered & didn't dare rebuke Ken. So I asked to see the manager.

 Mary the manager came out a few seconds later & also tried to moderate , a little more authoritatively, but still not very effective. I decided to leave the library after voicing my complaint. I thought Ken should have been kicked out. Several days later I'm still losing sleep over it. I feel insulted & bullied and thought library staff would back me up a little more than they did. 

Please pray for me to find inner peace 🕊️ without revenge. Help me to be like Jesus & turn the other cheek.  But also I believe it is justifiable to pray for punishment of Ken by God if it is according to God's will. This is called an IMPRECATORY PRAYER. Thank you

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Re vandalism at North Branch Berkeley library 

Somebody vandalized my car because it had a political sticker that was NOT pro-Liberal . However, their face was caught on my car camera which Auto- activates. I have already reported it to police and will file charges as soon as the person is identified (and they will be). I do NOT CARE how passionate & EMOTIONAL you are for your Lefty cause, it is still a CRIME to vandalize or even "merely" pull a sticker off a car (or deface it) because you don't agree with it. YOU WILL BE PROSECUTED 🚓🚨

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Check out this review of AutoZone, 2720 Florin Rd, Sacramento, CA 95822 

10.22.24, 11am (PST): The BLACK GUY working here simply LIES when you ask to do a CEL scan (check engine light) and says " IT'S BROKEN" . Will report it to corporate HQ . Shame on you 👎😡
Imprecatory prayer 🙏

Sunday, October 20, 2024

re atherton library , san mateo county ca

great staff and management ! I want to also encourage management to have an "action plan" in advance about how they will deal with a "minority" person who becomes belligerent and disrespectful towards staff or other patrons, including towards white patrons, if they do not immediately get what they want. Minorities have become so coddled and appeased in every single way that some are like spoiled babies when they don't get what they want. The knee- jerk reaction by management is to appease them even when they are violating the rights of others just to make the problem go away, but that's not always the right response. White people deserve to have their rights respected also. Please have a meeting about this so you will be properly prepared in advance. Maybe do  a "role play" to run through various scenarios that might possibly arise.  I know you all want to be as "nice" as possible, but in some cases you might have to be STERN , even towards minorities.

review of stanford university

I have been a part of the stanford community for a long time. Usually it's a good experience even though I tend to lean a little more towards the RIGHT politically than many of the lefties around campus. Nonetheless, usually everybody respects the differences as long as  people don't impose themselves on others in an appropriate manner.

 However, I DO have the right to promote my political views on my vehicle wherever I go, on or off campus, just as lefties do. So recently as we approach the November 5 2024 election I placed a page-size paper on my back window telling people my political position (no, it did not include the word "Trump", even though that would be legally protected as well).

The morning after the Stanford-SMU game I found somebody had vandalized my car, pulling my political promotion off the window. I have an video camera that automatically activates that DID CATCH the face of the person who did it and will be reporting it to the police. 

Large or small acts of vandalism are nonetheless PROSECUTABLE . And YES I will press charges. I don't care how emotionally passionate you are about your lefty views. You will still be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law if you vandalize my vehicle by intentionally touching it in any way. 

Also to Stanford Administration: Please warn students that no matter how passionate they may be for or against a political person, they ARE NOT ALLOWED to commit criminal acts because of their emotional passion. Please warn them that they can and will be expelled from Stanford if they are caught committing crimes.

Friday, October 18, 2024

re San Carlos library 

This library is well maintained and usually pleasant atmosphere except there's one "full-time resident" there who basically treats the whole place like his living room. he looks homeless & wears the same clothes every time -doesn't look like he has access to a shower or anything. 

The problem is not that he's homeless but that he is Arrogant even Rude such as Farting out loud without apology (ie intentionally) . That tells you a lot about the character of a person if they can mistreat people around them in such a way. 

But Patrons are so meek and mild here they don't protest anything. Or maybe the library staff won't do anything about it. This guy apparently doesn't have anything else to do all day so he just hangs around the library and puts his feet up on chairs in a very brazen & insolent manner, almost like a rude punk teenager. 

But he's a senior citizen. Library staff, please intervene for the sake of the rest of us !!!!!

MAGA Prayer 🙏🇺🇲🗽✝️

O Lord, we lift our hearts in prayer 🙏 
For this land we hold so dear & fair
Guide America 🇺🇲 with Your light⚡
Through the darkest days, lead us right

Protect the unborn👶👼, small & frail
Give them life, let hope prevail
Strengthen our borders, firm & strong💪
Keep our nation safe from wrong

Grant us leaders, brave & true
Who stand for justice⚖️ in all they do
Let honesty reign & truth be told
With courage, integrity, pure as gold🥇 

Help us cherish values bright
Faith, love ❤️ & what is right
Turn our hearts to You, O Lord
With Christ ✝️, our guide, in one accord

Revive our spirit, let freedom 🗽ring 🔔 
Make us worthy of the blessings You bring
With patriotism, faith & grace 🕊️ 
Help us build a better place

For our country, hear our plea
Bless this land of liberty
With Your mercy, lead us on
To a brighter hopeful dawn 
#MAGA 👍🇺🇲

#NeverKamala 😡👎🚫

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Ode to Ken the Slob, At Atherton library

Ken the slob, a bully so loud & proud
At Atherton library, he'd push thru the crowd
Scowling & sneering, filled with spite
Mistreated folks with all his might

Books he'd toss & papers he'd tear
His manners Gone, & kindness rare
He mocked & jeered, no soul was spared
A hater's heart, dark & bared

But one day came a quiet foe
A gentle patron, wise & slow
With steady gaze & words precise
She met his wrath with calm advice

"Ken," she said, "your time is done
You've had your fun, but now you run
For every insult & every sneer
Karma's creeping, drawing near"

Ken stood up,  but not for long
Her steady gaze too fierce & strong
His bluster broke & courage fled
HE SLUNK AWAY, his face turned red

Out the door, tail tucked tight
Ken vanished fast into the night
No more a bully, no more a king
He left in shame, NEVER seen again 

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Check out this review of Menlo Park Library on Google Maps 

Update: 1 day later I confirmed my hunch : upon arrival i saw the same female employee (dark hair & face mask , maybe Latina or Asian? ) . Walking to the back I noticed at least 2 people with shoes 👟 off . I sat down & worked on my laptop 💻 for 2 hours. During this entire 2-hour period the same lady never came back to the area. And at least 5 other employees walked thru but said NOTHING to the 2 people with their shoes off. Hmmm.

 Yesterday, the gal came back within the 1st 15 minutes I was there as if intentionally looking to "get something" on me. Now I can't fully relax here knowing I am a targeted person ( why me ? What did I do ? I'm a good guy, a nice guy ) 
initial entry: Since they decided to come after me "Search & Destroy Style" for having my sandals off in the farthest corner of the library, next time I will be watching to make sure they NITPICK every single other person. You have set the NORM. You must abide by your own rule enforcement now. You can't just nitpick me. you MUST NITPICK EVERYBODY.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

re Menlo Park LIbrary

so i walk past a bunch of library patrons , a few bedraggled homeless and their bags & stuff, all the way to the back corner of the library, nobody near  by. I kick off my sandals under the table (and no, my feet are not smelly). I start working on my laptop when suddenly a female employee sneaks up behind me and says "Excuse me sir, you need to keep your shoes on" . Say what ?

I see all kinds of behavior that library staff never enforces, but they choose to find me in the furthest corner of the library with my feet "bare" under the table not bothering anybody ?

I know this game: Get something on the new white guy ASAP, so that we have "something on him" and won't become demanding. Problem is I'm NOT the new white guy. I've been around. Maybe you just haven't seen me before. And you don't need to get something on me. I'm not here to find fault with  you. I'm not the "boss". Just leave me alone and we'll all be fine. Don't nitpick me ! Oh, at the same time she was nitpicking me, I could see a fellow across the room with his shoes off under the table, and she didn't say anything to him.  

Monday, October 7, 2024

"Elon Musk-Founded America PAC Rolls Out Bold Program — Earn $30/hr with Performance Bonuses to Boost Voter Registration, Plus $47 for Each Referred Swing State Voter Signing the Petition " 

"Let me explain: if even 1 in 20 illegals become citizens per year, something that the Democrats are expediting as fast as humanly possible, that would be about 2 million new legal voters in 4 years.

The voting margin in the swing states is often less than 20 thousand votes. That means if the "Democratic" Party succeeds, there will be no more swing states!!"

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

filed a complaint with the California Civil Rights Dept "Check out this review of Mountain View Auto Repair Inc " 

I have filed a complaint with the California Civil Rights Department against this business for refusing to help me because because they judge me or misjudged me as poor white or gay ( even though I'm not ) or something else related to skin color or ethnicity . And yes I can pay all my bills . But I don't live my life trying to flash my money with a fancy car and stuff like that. 
Wǒ yǐ xiàng jiāzhōu mínquán bùmén tóusù gāi gōngsī jùjué bāngzhù wǒ, yīnwèi tāmen pànduàn huò wùpàn wǒ wèi pínqióng de báirén huò tóngxìngliàn (jíshǐ wǒ bùshì) huò qítā yǔ fūsè huò zhǒngzú yǒuguān de dōngxī. Shì de, wǒ kěyǐ zhīfù suǒyǒu zhàng dān. Dàn wǒ de shēnghuó bìng bùshì shìtú yòng yī liàng háohuá qìchē zhī lèi de dōngxī lái xuànyào wǒ de qián.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

review of Mountain View Auto Repair

845 W El Camino Real, Mountain View, CA 94040 

I had been here once before and they changed a starter switch for me. NO problem. Decent price. So recently I was having some new issues and decided to try them again. I called and told them I might be getting towed in and they said they would plan on it. My car was intermittently stalling, and so I had called for a tow truck. But the tow truck took so long to arrive I finally tried starting my car again and it started.

 So I managed to make it a half-mile to Mountain View Auto Repair. Upon arrival I waved to the mechanic and he came to my window. That was a mistake on my part. He first noticed the crack on my windshield (which I plan to replace in December). THen he peeked inside my window as I was describing to him my issues,  and he  saw lots of "stuff" . Yes, I have lots of stuff in my car.

 It's not a fancy Tesla. It's not perfect, but it's actually in pretty good condition and I have been doing a lot of upkeep on it (recently replaced shocks, struts, sway bar links; last year replaced the rack & pinion; also mass air flow sensor; starter; front hub bearings; and the list goes on). But this Asian guy had already made a negative judgment about me. (despite already over the phone he said he could do a diagnosis and that it would cost $120 . I said no problem).

 I may not look wealthy but I have enough to cover ALL my bills and any emergency repairs, etc ).  At the end of re-explaining my issues (I pulled the ECU fuse last week to reset the CEL to get it ready for smog and this actually caused some new problems. I thought it was going through the re-learning process but it was taking too long; and now stalling; even though it was running perfect before I pulled the fuse). 

Anyways,  it was become increasingly clear  that he was NOT really listening. I finally said "Is this something you can do?" He responded with condescension and arrogance "Yes, it is but not with this car" . What ? "Not with this car" . This is not a foreign-only shop. He's worked on it before. I have money to pay. IT was clearly PLAIN OLD-FASHIONED PREJUDICE combined with Asian supremacy (this is an Asian-American shop). He wasn't even hiding it. He was plainly telling me he wouldn't help me, just because of some sort of negative judgment he had made in his mind about me. 

The only problem is that it is ILLEGAL to refuse to do business with a person based on skin color among other things. "The Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964 states that no business (public or private) serving the public can discriminate based on a customer's national origin, sex, religion, color or race." 

IT's infuriating when we get treated negatively by people of so-called "minority" race after all we have done to try to welcome ethnic people. And did I already say, Illegal ? I will report this to the appropriate state and/or federal agency. Shame on you 

correction Re: Review of O'Reilly's at 813 E El Camino Real, Sunnyvale, CA 94087

this is a mostly male Latino operated franchise, and they are definitely NOT the most helpful boss dudes. I hadn't been here for a few years; then I was in the area & needed a few things quickly. First time in I bought the stuff I needed, no problem. The Latino clerk with long hair didn't say thanks or anything, but at least he did his job.

So I went out to my car and fixed a few things; then I wanted to do a CEL scan (Check Engine Light) so I went back in. THere was one guy behind the counter. Sometimes waiting can take a long time. I noticed another Latino employee in an aisle and asked him if he could get the Scanner for me.

 He refused and said "He can help you" (pointing to the guy behind the counter). So I waited, and finally got up to the counter and politely asked the fellow for the scanner. He responded "I'll be out there in a minute" . He'll be out there ? I can do it myself. I had my driver's license in hand as well in case he wanted it (sometimes they do, sometimes they don't; it's never predictable).

But I said okay and told him where I was parked. I thought he was being sincere & legitimate, and would come out in a few minutes. I waited, and waited, still waiting. He never came out. It wasn't accidental.

I have never done anything bad here. It was pure prejudice as best as I can tell. I'm sorry I can't change my skin color . THe only problem is that it is actually ILLEGAL to refuse service based on skin color.

"The Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964 states that no business (public or private) serving the public can discriminate based on a customer's national origin, sex, religion, color or race."

This place needs a MAJOR SHAKEUP. The only problem is that they probably have no choice other than to take what they can get. Nonetheless, I will file a complaint and hope for some changes.


Review of O'Reilly's at 813 E El Camino Real, Sunnyvale, CA 94087

this is a mostly male Latino operated franchise, and they are definitely NOT the most helpful boss dudes. I hadn't been here for a few years; then I was in the area & needed a few things quickly. First time in I bought the stuff I needed, no problem. The Latino clerk with long hair didn't say thanks or anything, but at least he did his job.

 So I went out to my car and fixed a few things; then I wanted to do a CEL scan (Check Engine Light) so I went back in. THere was one guy behind the counter. Sometimes waiting can take a long time. I noticed another Latino employee in an aisle and asked him if he could get the Scanner for me. He refused and said "He can help you" (pointing to the guy behind the counter). 

So I waited, and finally got up to the counter and politely asked the fellow for the scanner. He responded "I'll be out there in a minute" . He'll be out there ? I can do it myself. I had my driver's license in hand as well in case he wanted it (sometimes they do, sometimes they don't; it's never predictable). 

But I said okay and told him where I was parked. I thought he was being left, and would come out in a few minutes. I waited, and waited, still waiting. He never came out. It wasn't accidental.

I have never done anything bad here. It was pure prejudice as best as I can tell. I'm sorry I can't change my skin color . THe only problem is that it is actually ILLEGAL to refuse service based on skin color. "The Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964 states that no business (public or private) serving the public can discriminate based on a customer's national origin, sex, religion, color or race." 

This place needs a MAJOR SHAKEUP. The only problem is that they probably have no choice other than to take what they can get. Nonetheless, I will file a complaint and hope for some changes. 


Friday, September 27, 2024

Check out this review of Stanford University on Google Maps 

In general I'd give 5 stars but I give it 3 stars because of what happened today and it's just one individual that caused it so it's not a reflection on Stanford itself. Although she was probably a student. 

So I'm at Encina Hall 123 which is a place where they have frequent lectures. I came in a few minutes late so everybody's already seated and I set my laptop and jacket on top of the table by the door assuming it's very safe and sound right there. 

There's one seat open which I find. And I listen to the lecture, & a few minutes later a gal comes in, and of all places she DECIDES TO TRY TO SIT ON THE TABLE. And the table is strange because it tips intentionally for some reason so any kind of weight on the edge of it will cause it to basically flip to the side. 

And lo & behold as she puts her butt on the table there goes my laptop and jacket sliding down the table to the floor with a big thump 👎😦. 

She didn't seem to even try to catch it. Nor did she even try to pick it up. I couldn't believe it. So I have to scoot past everybody again to get back over there and pick it up HOPING AGAINST HOPE that it's not broken. 

Dropping laptops on the ground is not exactly good for them. Fortunately it was in the case. And maybe my jacket acted as a cushion and landed on it. And she didn't even say sorry when I went over there. 

Now I'm sitting through the rest of the lecture anxiously wondering if this thing is going to start again & work properly . So the first thing I do is find an empty room after the lecture and start it up and MIRACULOUSLY everything still worked. Thank God, literally 👆.

 Needless to say, this was a
 so-called smart Stanford student which could have been made a little less upsetting if she had been conscientious about trying to pick it up and making the effort to apologize. But it didn't happen. 

Thursday, September 26, 2024

review of Mountain View Library

DISAPPOINTED with the Latina security guard : She obviously decided IN HER MIND that I was a "new white guy" at the library who needed to be watched. Truth is I've been coming here for more years than she's probably worked here. And I've lived in this country longer than her.  But I don't come here very often anymore.

 Anyways, I'm sitting at a table all by myself away from everybody on a hot day and my feet get sweaty so sometimes  I just slip my heels out and keep  my toes in them. I don't know how she noticed my feet under the table with the laptop case also obstructing the view but SURE ENOUGH here she comes finding something to NITPICK about; telling me I need to keep my shoes on.

I realized she must have been watching me from behind looking for something to "get" on me, thinking this gives her authority over me. Disappointing. I thought this old school power & control crap was a thing of the past. 

I'm freakin 57 years old and she's treating me like a juvenile delinquent (just because I'm a white male) . Can you say "prejudice" ?  It's baked into the cake.  

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

On Tuesday, November 5, 2024: Thy Will Be Done ✝️🗳️Ameri-🇺🇲Prayer🙏

On November 5th, a choice we face,
A leader for this nation's 🇺🇲 race.
In such a time, we humbly pray 🙏 
That God's true Will, shall light the way.

For wisdom deep, & hearts ❤️ sincere,
We ask, O Lord, that You draw near.
May those who seek to lead our land🗽
Be guided by Your sovereign hand✋ 

A president who'll stand for truth✝️
With honesty, both wise & couth.
Compassion strong, with love that's pure,
For justice ⚖️, may their steps be sure.

Not swayed by greed, nor led by fear,
But firm in faith 📖, with vision clear.
We pray, O God, You'll send the one
Who'll serve until the race is run.

Let them be kind & integral, with a heart  that hears,
And courage strong when storms ⛈️ appear.
A leader who reflects Your grace ✝️
And keeps Your law in every place.

For this election, Lord, we cry,
That every heart may seek the sky👆
That in this choice, we will obey,
And trust in You, come voting day🗳️ 

So, guide us through this crucial hour,
With reverence for Your holy power⚡
May the one who leads us stand
As a righteous steward of this land.

For peace 🕊️ & truth, we now contend,
To You, O God, our hearts we send.
With faith in You, the work begun—
We pray🙏Your will, O Lord, be Done👍