
Saturday, March 12, 2016

lots of african american women, like this one, enjoy EATING as they sit on public computers at the library (even tho it's not allowed)

it's not a's true from my own personal observations...many black women will come with food ready to eat as they sit on the computer...they will sit down and bring out their different "courses" of their meal that they plan to eat slowly but surely while browsing the web. And library security is very hesitant to admonish african-americans for wrongdoing at the library. Ive seen a security person at this library admonish a white guy for taking his shoes off at the computer (which is not a written rule) , but she walks right past an african-american eating (which is a written rule). Apart from the rules, it is simply annoying when a person is SMACKING on food right next to you, PLUS you know their fingers are getting grubby or greasy and that will then go to the keyboard which the next person must touch.