
Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Saint Augustin's Catholic Church, Des Moines Iowa 6/7/23

Saint Augustin's Catholic Church 

6/7/23 So I had never been here before and I pulled in for the 8 a.m mass. I went to the big parking lot and there were no cars at 750 , only another omnipresent obsessive compulsive lawnmower service who stared at me like I was an ET Martian (undoubtedly having noticed my CA plate). (but born in Iowa).

 I was wondering did I get the time wrong? so I pulled around to the front oval where there were a few cars & some people going in, & parked behind a car & left my car running ( because sometimes it has trouble restarting if I'm starting and stopping too much) - I just wanted to make sure I'd be there for a while before I turned my car off) 

A few seconds later a lady stepped out of the car in front of me- she was dark-haired kind of a mid-eastern complexion - and stared at me suspiciously, a white Iowa- born boy with Dutch heritage. 

Not only did she stare at me suspiciously, I realized a few minutes later that she was HIDING behind her car SPYING on me . It was now around 8:01 am and it was looking like this mass is a little bit too small for my comfort.

 I've been a visitor at small chapel -style masses before and when you're not part of the neighborhood you feel too conspicuous, like a stranger sitting in somebody's family room . So I decided to keep going on since I was passing through to Iowa City. 

So I started pulling out and the mid-eastern lady jumped out from behind her car and was either taking a picture of me or writing down my license plate or both. It was very disturbing. I tried to smile and wave but she had already made a negative judgment about me .

 There would be no convincing her of anything otherwise. So I just kept driving and I hope somebody reads this maybe this lady herself.

 This is not how you treat people in America. Especially at church. And when you come to church you DON'T want to be treated suspiciously. Church is about the LOVE of Christ.❤️✝️πŸ™πŸ™‚
 Not negative suspicion 

John Evangelist