
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

clerk at 7-11 king city, ca

i usually refill my coffee cup at 7-11 for $1 or $1.25, depending on the clerk...because the cup is a little bigger than the average cup, sometimes clerks want to charge me more, but this clerk wanted to charge me DOUBLE !! She demanded $2.50 to refill my coffee cup, ha ha ha ridiculous..I bought that cup manyyears ago at 7-11 and it guaranteed fill-ups for $1, then it became $1.25 ,... but never has a clerk demanded $2.50...outrageous 

 Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author & perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him 
endured the cross, 
scorning its shame,
& sat down 
at the right hand  
of the throne of God.”
  Hebrews 12:2