
Monday, March 27, 2023

πŸ‘ŽRe Del Taco, 435 E 4th St, Beaumont, CA πŸ‘Ž

435 E 4th St, Beaumont, CA 92223

Arriving at the drive-thru I made my order to the morbidly obese lady behind the microphone. She said she couldn't hear you. So I repeated it loudly cuz there's traffic right next to us. And then she said "you don't need to yell at me" as if she was rebuking a child

 I said " I thought you couldn't hear me." she responded like like she was an authority speaking to a child saying "yes but you didn't have to yell at me" . She was jerking me around- toying with me & enjoying it πŸ‘ŽπŸ˜‘. 

 I completed the order and she said "awesome " like I was a teenager. 
 I'm 50- freakin -6 years old. So instead of going through with my order when my turn came to get to get to the window I just kept driving- and DIDN'T look back.