
Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Re St. Dominic's New Orleans

I don't mean to be rude but the Catholic church is known and well-regarded for being a "universal church" meaning catholics from Zimbabwe could theoretically walk into a Catholic church in New Orleans and feel right at home. However sometimes some Catholic churches become too " localized" & they treat you like an outsider if you didn't grow up here or you don't live a few blocks away from the parish. I'm afraid that's happened at this church.

 To the priests and to the locals , please remember that this is a church for for all Catholics, NOT just for people who live down the street. If That's what you want , there's a lot of little neighborhood churches you should attend rather than the universal Catholic church. 

In fact it's the visiting Catholics who need a church more than those who live right down the block who are already settled in known by their neighbors  etc. If you hog the church too you're not doing the work of Jesus Christ.