
Wednesday, July 27, 2022

re Boat Launch Beach, Trinidad CA

re Boat Launch Beach, Trinidad CA 

That young guy who operates the winch for the boat launch is a major A- hole 👎😡 . There's a loop around the little shack & NO signs say "Do NOT enter". It seems like an obvious intended turnaround loop.

 But he about blew a gasket when I drove thru... getting all mad BLAH BLAH BLAH. Buddy boy, if it's a major problem for you to have vehicles pulling thru, u have a very simple FIX. u put up a sign saying "Do NOT enter". It's that simple.
 It's like you're expecting people to stop when there's NO stop sign.

 How many years has this winch been in operation (it looks pretty rusty) ? And if you haven't put up a sign yet, it AIN'T a real problem, or you are REAL SLOW- minded to put it nicely, or just REAL freakin LAZY. And if U are just freakin ornery don't take your problems out on tourists passing thru. Maybe go back to school & get a REAL job. 


Alice Walker