6/28/22 Re southeast corner of
Newport Beach central library parking lot:
I go to the library regularly, & periodically I see people walking to the southeast corner of the lot behind the Gelsons . Not sure what is back there. a shortcut ? cigarette break? Or a place to smoke pot ? Or something more serious ?
Then I was walking to my car today & a guy from that corner gave me a "100-yard stare" as i walked that direction, only to stop short when i got to my car. He seemed highly concerned that i might approach him like he thought i was somebody with authority.
Whatever's happening back there it's starting to get creepy & they're starting to get paranoid. Maybe its time for a few cops to take a walk thru there periodically & see if it's something that needs to be addressed. I DON'T want to play cop.
I prefer to remain anonymous.
Thanks. 👍