
Sunday, December 26, 2021

Review of St Paul Apostle ⛪ Westwood L.A. 12/26/21

I'd give it more stars 🌟 if they could do something about the homeless unbeliever who hangs out during mass. I would welcome an unbeliever for sure if they're not a jerk but if they're going to be a jerk and I mean they use the mass for their own self-serving purposes having nothing to do with believing in Jesus Christ. 

This guy is a real jerk. He hangs out by the door and glares at you if he doesn't approve of you to such an extent that I WON'T go there anymore IF he's there. So I'll stop in every year and see if he's still there and IF he is I wait another year. He is definitely an unbeliever but the priests allow him to be the boss in the back πŸ‘Ž. 

This time I've been gone for two years because of covid and I just came back again today 12/26/21 & he actually saw me coming and stood in front of the door like he was the bouncer or something. So I did an about-face and walked back to my car and drove off.  I'll go to St Martin of Tours  ⛪ instead. & I can assure you I'm not the only one he drives away.