"...distinctive, sometimes picturesque characteristics or peculiarities of a place or period as represented in literature or drama, or as observed in reality...." www.dictionary.com
Monday, February 29, 2016
SO I WENT TO A COLLEGE BASKETBALL GAME ...admission is free at this college, and they put out the programs (one page paper with rosters for each team) on the table as you enter the gym. Halfway thru the 1st half this guy changes seats, and sits next to me. My orange program is next to me, between me him. After a while I notice he's looking at it. No big deal. Everything's free. I figure he will look at it and then put it back. But as I periodically glance his direction I notice he's hanging on to the program, ...and putting it down and then picking it back up again. And little by little he's glancing out of the corner of his eye, and checking to see if I am noticing. Yes I am. I think about calling his bluff and saying to him "Theres plenty of programs by the door as you enter" , or "You can look at it." But it's just too creepy. The guy thinks he getting away with "stealing" my program. It's actually embarrassing. I decide to NOT say anything and let him have the program. He leaves the game early with my orange program and I pretend not to notice.