"...distinctive, sometimes picturesque characteristics or peculiarities of a place or period as represented in literature or drama, or as observed in reality...." www.dictionary.com
Thursday, February 11, 2016
at hammer museum: is this supposed to be a mockery of "baby Jesus" (ie "bobby Jesus" ) , if so, it's irreverent, maybe even blasphemous
if 'BOBBY JESUS" is supposed to be a mockery play-on of Christianity's sacred "BABY JESUS" it would be very TYPICAL of hammer museum anti-Christian, anti-traditional, exhibits. They are like adolescents ALWAYS angry at their "parents" (which in their perpetual perspective is traditional Christianity). The liberal hammer perspective is that Christianity is oppressive and is to be blamed for many if not all of the problems in American society. Ironically, they have it ALL WRONG and backwards. Sure, there are a few churches and a few preachers who get it wrong, but we don't throw out the baby with the bathwater. We don't, or shouldn't, blame Jesus Christ & Christianity for bad churches or preachers. Let us pray for the Hammer & liberals in general to some day see the light, and to help us make the world a better place for everybody, not a more perverted oppressive place for everybody. By the way, to the LATINO LADY (ie hammer employee, maybe a supervisor of some sort) who seems to always come out and about every time I come to the Hammer, I would appreciate it if you don't whisper to your employees about me as I browse the exhibits.