
Tuesday, September 15, 2015

video + photos 9/15/15 DONALD TRUMP (red hat) ARRIVING @ USS IOWA, SAN PEDRO

see longer clip at
There was a handful of anti-Trump protestors but by and large overall it was mostly pro-Trump crowd, with lots of cheers and signs of support for "The Donald". I myself at this point am encouraged by Donald Trump, even though I am still undecided if he is truly conservative, and if he is truly pro-life. I am hoping he has aa real conversion, and is not just playing a game ...hope he is not a "RINO" (ie republican in name only). Reagan had a true conversion from liberal democrat to conservative it possible Trump has been truly converted as well? One thing is for sure...HE speaks with the most strength and authority of all the candidates so far. And that's what foreign leaders fear most. And respect most. Even if he is not an intellectual. Or maybe because he is not an intellectual (that doesn't make him dumb or ignorant, just not a bookwork). In business he has achieved results. He has put a lot of people to work, including lots of Hispanics from central America..including Mexicans. I don't think he's anti-immigrant, nor racist, ..I think he truly wants to allow the good people in, and the not-so-good out.That's what is best for America. But we have a lot of time to hear more from him to find out if he's the REAL DEAL. SO FAR SO GOOD.

this kid in the yellow shirt with the word "security" written on the back was just a kid with a yellow shirt with the word "security" written on the back, and he acted like it. Upon arrival he tried to belittle me by calling me, a 48-year-old man "buddy" in a condescending tone. I immediately said "Why do you call me buddy? Trying to disrespect me?" I called his bluff and his face darkened (yes, latinos do blush when embarrassed). But he wasn't done. Later he came over to where we were standing and attempted to tell us we couldn't stand there, but the police had already informed us that we could. Once again, his bluff was called and he failed. What a punk. This is the kind of stuff we have to deal with daily in Los Angeles.