
Thursday, September 10, 2015

some theological notes I made some time ago, un-edited,

Triumphalism,hermeneutic spiral,gustavo guttierez liberation theol,copernican revolution,kenosis,blessing principle,,Medieval:
Newtonian:changing,deterministic,atomistic,reductionistic,dualism (mind,body)...
Post-Modern: deconstruction of meta narratives,;double grace,oficina gentium,carolingian,
Prophetic paradox,
Parousia; mimesis,illusionless christianity,noetic effects;"benevolence the bedrock of morality"

MISSIONS:; ramon lull great missionary,francis xavier greatest rc missionary; famous rc missionary in east was ricci (augustines converted philippines); rhodes used catechists as a new mission method;  stephen charp ? 1383 russia mssnary? "Moscow calls itself the 3rd rome"; peter the great to siberia? ;Kanschatka?; christian schwarz india; wm carey,father of modern missions; duff ? Wm burns ; karl gutzlaff; judson to burma; j vanderkamp; john philip;robert moffatt;livingstone abhored the slave trade;19000 foreigners massacred by order of the king in peking?; "what commended chalmers to stevenson was that u would never tak him for a missionary"; dan crawford africa;cargo cult;syncretism;muslim nominalism;sahara barricade;cosmic christ;pannikar? Christ in all religions; rahner re the anonymous christ;"a church w/o devotion to the great commission is a serious contradiction"; irenic; homogenous unit principle,don mcgavran;gordon mission deaconess movement; larry vanderwey muslims mali?; TEE (theol educ by extension); biblical synergies; ted yaimore;
Nicholas Of cusa;"hidden christ of hinduism";verdict theology; hermeneutic circle; incarnational presence;persuasion,proclamation;king of god verkuyl-glasser;glory of God Piper;missionary god Bosch;elbon covenant?;kainos ; deracination;hardware mission view;chinua achebe; principle of indirect rule; d. devatta mission asia? D. Niles?;hans kung; fr. Don daniel daniell ?; paul yag; shalom t yoshida by j neusner?;
Master plan of evangelism(coleman):"Jesus taught naturally" ; "more important to train a soul winner than to win a soul"(183);role of women: cath booth;mary webb,phoebe palmer,sarah dovemus;sophie lietenfels;johan unstra;ann allbach;
2-sword: spiritual & secular;jacques ellus;ritschl re "free & intrinsic worth of individuals";hermeneutics of suspicion"; bonk: "is it not at least as difficult for us members of the western church to overcome our affluence as it is for poverty to survive"; docetism;marcionites;sabellianism;2nd adam;tertullian;stomata;
Kerygma;epicurean myth;seneca;gnosticism;,magnesia letters;marcus aurelius ("sole human good is virtue"); quadratus an apologist wrote a written defense of christianity;justin martyr; mash: preaching multiple levels,anecdotal...;church as mission outpost;pastiche personality;frankena's boxes;noetic effects of sin;
Fackre:"Jesus Christ is the expression of god's epistemological grace..."(62);schliermacher argues that gospel corrupted by philosophy & legalism; God's revelation is progressive;evangelical theological framework;"deceptive influence Of sin";redemptive theol;"the devil's deepest wile is to convince us he does not exist"(baudelaire);j malefoce & sortilege re excorcism and possession;parousia;evangelical cocoon; mimesis;illusionless christianity;norman master ("dazzling metaphors");adolph julicher "parables not allegories but a unique literary genre,recounting a story of ordinary life"; "the truth was & remains that one's fundamental Christian & human commitment is to the value of truth wherever it may lead, & to that limit--transformation of all values by the Christian demand for agapic love" (135);
Bible verses re suicide:1 ki 16.8, matt 27.3-5,judg9.50,judg16.23ff,1sam31.2-5,2sam17.23,
Damien "god can change the past";secular v spiritual sword;benedictine rule;extracalvinisticum "outside of";aq kidnapped to go study w albert the great;siger of braber re "double truth"?;"aq is a universalist..look at univerals,then apply to god";ockham's razor;sapientia ;scientia;prudentia;ontic;noetic; cappodician fathers;filioque clause;staupitz;"standard rule of theology:the obvious god is not the philosophical god";"God can do anything not contrary to His own nature"?;melanchton & calvin similar re eucharist? Or opposed?; beza; scotus;calvin meets "pharaoh" in geneva,persuades him to stay;"calvin doesn't believe that "choice" preaching works"; calvin's 3rd law;L.A.= limited by who god chooses,or by who chooses god?;[p33,pause] "1000 days of ann";book of common prayer;act of uniformity;richard of hooker;robert brown(e);calvin's marks of the church:1(preaching,2)sacraments,3)discipline;berkhouwer said only one mark:word as discipline;acts of toleration 1689; "oliver cromwell did not imose presb order on all the church";james 2 glorious revolution;"wm of orange & mary were both protestant"?;germany peace of westphalia 1648; rc v prot in germany,1685 ? ;council of trent;vulgate,apocryphah;tradition as a source of revelation;7 sacraments v 2 sacraments;justif by faith alone versus penance;mendicant beggars;Jesuits:1)ethical moral order,2)probabalism,3)intentionalism ,4) mental reservaation; Effects of counter-reformation: 1) renewal of power,2)outpouring of RC,: heugenots;3 years war;peace of westphalia;modern rationalists: descartes,leibniz,spinoza ,locke?hobbes?;kant re empirical reasoning;hegel; 3 pillars of medievalism 1)papal theocracy,2)sacramentalism,3)monastacism; infralapsarian,supralapsarian;cartesian philosophy;latitudinarians;voltaire: "I blv in god,not god of mystics or god of theologians,but god of nature...I blv in common sense & golden mean"? He became anti-Christian;labadists;Spener re "true conv of heart"? ;
TEACHING MINISTRY: "calvin's underst of script.focuses on its salvific function,not its formal auth. As an inspired document..."; martha syndrome [39-40,return to later]
Mission class: manicheans;donatists;nicodemites,delicate prothonotaries,suicide is also homicide (ie murder?); false witness: "a man is not less guilty of false witness against himself than a neighbor"; "suspicion of eloquence";amor sui;dandyism is a degraded form of ascetism";[41],;"the law produces hearers of righteousness,but grace produces doers..."(166);hypognosticon (augustine);jansenism;static pleasures;hierophonic religions (sacred revelation);the gospel in solentiname" by ernesto cardenal;metanoia;hellenists v jews; diakasoun (justice),commandments (entolai),perfection (teleiosis),perisseuo,tereo,escel; "Luke 4.16-211 has replaced great commission as key text" (84);costly discipleship;of the 10 lepers healed,9 were jews,1 was samaritan;pneumatology most distinctive in luke;matt's gospel is gosp of the church,luke for disciples; adversity-suffering;zentrum mission ? Zentrum's mission?;jewish apocalyptic tradition:1)vindication,2)universalism,3)dualism,4)imminence; proleptic reality (169) ;diakonia (service),lupe (sorrow),thlipsis (affliction),dunamis (power),chara (joy),kauchesis (boasting),; history of missions,6 paradigms:primitive,hellenistic,medieval,protestant reformed,enlightenment,ecumenical,; transformational hermeneutics ("must be transformed before engaging in mission");mission is broader than evangelism;"evangelism is only possible if church supports & evidences truth of witness";"evang. Is not proselytism";"evang is not only verbal proclamation"; "church is church only when it exists 4 others";frye's "great code";augustine:"nisi,crediteritis,non intelligitis" unless u believe u shall not undrstand;3 selfs:self-govt,self-support,self-propagation;3 modes of salvation:1)indicative (already),2)subjunctive (yet to come),3)imperative (get involved in the ministry of salvation(400);missio dei;[45]
"Buddhism succeeded in asia b/c it b/c a mission of enfleshment" (chinese buddha,thai buddha), where Chr. In Asia was a "mission of disembodiment";"missionary vision is caught,not taught"; be aware of quietism: sin of timidity & temerity;"church's mission will never come to an end"..."unity is not an option,it is a command"(467);"mission should be the them of all theology...the synoptic discipline; 2-fold task 1)theologia viatoru ;2) moves in past,present,future; "pan missionism" if everything is mission,nothing is mission;theologia viatoru...; theosis; "mission is the people of god intentionally crossing from church to non-church for -- to participate,to reconcile"(27);"God's hiddeness expressed in new ways (kainos)...the paradox of divine self-disclosure;shreiter's triple dialectic...;[46],hermeneutic spiral;"day of professional minister is over, days of missionary pastor has come..."(246); 3-fold aspect of mission: proclaim,presence,prevenience; says the correct order of the GC (great comm) is disciple,baptize,teach "mission stations have mistakingly emphasized teaching first"; ecumenical fellowship is distorted by its dependence almost entirely upon one set of cultural models (159,hick?);the 5th discipline..."not just absorbing info...getting to the heart,(42);signs of health:1)glorifies god;2)produces disciples;3)spiritual gifts;4)socially positive;5)incarnational;6)reproduction "body evangelism";7)incorp newcomers; [mid 48]; new style: relational; old style: confrontational;"goal of good preaching is to change lives"(207); MASH: preaching multiple levels anecdotal; post-modernism deconstructs meta narratives;
Modern person Pastiche personality;gabriel fackre: "Jesus Christ is the expression of God's epistemological grace"(62);Schliermacher argues that orthodoxy tainted by greek philos. & roman legalism"; "part of the task of the evang. Theologian is to lay bare the fundamental assumpions that characteristically go unnoticed by that culture"(119) "prophetic paradox": "part of the power of the prophetic voice lies in its distance from mainstream values of the culture,but the underlying value of the popular dissent in usa soon tends to transform these voices into mainstream (112)[50]; chalcedonian v kenotic theory; cs lewis: "a man who has lived in many places is less likely to be deceived by the local errors of his native village"(139) "the best theology is intensely personal"(144);re reformation,many more than calvin:vermigli,bullinger,bucer,zanchi,beza,hyperius,musclulus,...; "not a single figutre that towers over the manner that barth,bultmann,or tillich did"(195); enlightenment attacked the idea of biblical theol that "history moves in keeping with the purposeful plan of god"(207) ; "evang theol framework not driven by the conviction of universalisms but exclusivism w/ respect to redemptive truth"(240) "thus driven by a desire to uncover the deceptive influences of sin,whatever the source may be...";"evangelicals must resist the post modern fascination w/ pluralism which downplays the import of truth"(250);