
Monday, August 24, 2015

8/22/15 at the GRAND OPENING of SADDLEBACK ANAHEIM (new location)

 8/22/15 at the GRAND OPENING of SADDLEBACK ANAHEIM (new location)...they've been meeting at the "grove" for a while and finally bought their own location (or are leasing?)...i actually liked the had character. Nonetheless, people always like something new, so here it the 5pm service. I thought Rick was going to be here, but he preached via video, and then (after I left) he showed up at the end of the service. I like saddleback people in general..and have supported the ministry financially, but sometimes the services are a bit long. I was tired after two hours of music & preaching, and even though they had some nice treats and a ribbon-breaking ceremony afterwards, I was too tired from all the events earlier in the day. I usually am better suited at the 8am service.