
Saturday, May 9, 2015


IT was a great experience for me at the Pepperdine Bible lectures. I combined the trip with the National Prayer Day Breakfast at the Reagan Library ...was able to go from Pepperdine (5/6) to Simi Valley (5/7) & back to Pepperdine for the  two final days  (afternoon 5/7 & all of 5/8) ...lots and lots of options in terms of speakers & topics...both large & small sessions...The only session where I felt disagreeable was with the one about ISIS & Islam (read more below)

"Praise be to the God & Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead."
1 Peter 1:3

...This speaker sounded a lot like president Obama a few weeks ago when he was criticizing Christians at the   prayer breakfast for the sins of the so-called "crusades" of centuries ago. This speaker reminded us of the crusades as well. I whispered to the person next to me that if these so-called "Christians" were massacring innocent people they were NOT Christians even if they called themselves such. Nonetheless, it doesn't answer the question about NOW ! Two wrongs don't make a right. I got the feeling that this speaker, like Obama, was speaking to the audience as a bunch of "dummies" ...rather than genuine, intelligent, concerned people who want to address the real issues rather than be told that we shouldn't judge because our "kin" (the crusaders) were violent towards others back in the day. It's a non-sequitur, as if we are so stupid. The whole group seemed to be discontent with the presentation, and conveniently, there was NO Q & A at the end . We are NOT IDIOTS! Don't treat us like it. A lot of us have travelled overseas, have done mission work, are involved in ministry, and here we have one missionary guy talking to us like we're a bunch of elementary kids , the same way Obama talks to us.We KNOW not all muslims are dangerous , not all evil, not all plotting to kill us. We don't need to be told this again & again. What we want to know is how to address the small percentage of Islamists who are potentially to minimize their chances of success ! And we also know that neither the missionaries, nor the professors, nor the president, et al have any real answers, and we know that their only response is to think they have to talk down to "the people" as if they [we] are emotional idiots, and tell us what we already know (that not all muslims are dangerous, not all of Islam is Islamist in nature (ie have terrorist potential)....we know, we know, we know ! Tell us something we don't know !

richard beck did an interesting presentation about how progressives (as he calls himself) need to become a little more like conservatives in terms of action & less rhetoric. Nice to find a progressive willing to be self-critical & even self-depragating at times. This was a very honest presentation.

these guys who seemed to be close friends...talked about prayer and making space for prayer or reflection...talked honestly about how sometimes their public prayers seem forced ...more aimed at pleasing the public rather than honestly talking to God. I found that candor to be refreshing because I myself do not like how public prayer is so often just part of the expected "ritual" at church & various Christiane vents,  and loses it's genuine value as such..;.I prefer silent prayer & reflection

 jay milbrandt did an intersting talk on "go & do", mostly about explorer David Livingstone ( which his recent book is about ) and global justice ; also see

the final large session speaker of the event, about making heaven happen here & now...he made a point that racists might be in heaven but they won't enjoy it because they will be alongside persons of all skin colors & that if we want to not just"go to heaven" but enjoy heaven, we need to start preparing now but re-creating heaven as much as it is possible here and now...if I understood his point correctly

Rick Gibson gibson along with Mike Cope et al is one of the organizers of the event

"All Scripture is God-breathed & is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting & training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."
2 Timothy 3:16-17

 dr. Kent Brantly, ebola survivor, was a popular speaker. interviewed by Mike Cope


 sokhum hun was a survivor of the Cambodia "killing fields"...he spoke about his experience & how he came to be a Christian & is now active as a pastor & missionary, also see

 some of the family members of Sokhum


 "It is the Lord your God you must follow, & Him you must revere. Keep His commands & obey Him; serve Him & hold fast to Him."
Deuteronomy 13:4