
Sunday, May 3, 2015

DISAPPOINTING: 4/30/15 re "OSA: The JEWEL of COSTA RICA" (newport beach film festival) (film review) & film festival in general

note: disappointingly, I sent the "Osa" film producers an email after the show but they never responded
SO i NOTICED this film in the Newport Beach Film Festival program, and given I lived & worked in Drake Bay (Bahia Drake) which is in the Osa Peninsula and home of Corcovado National Park, I made a point of putting it on my calendar to go see on April 30, 2015 @ the Big Edward Theatre in NB. It was my first time at this theatre...very nice reclining will be comfortable if you go there...sort of like flying first class (which I've never done by the way, but I can imagine)...; they also showed a film called "Mussel Man" before "Osa" which was about a man who is trying to raise mussels in an "ocean farm" near Santa Barbara. Then the main attraction began. I was hoping I might see some clips from where I worked near Drake Bay Wilderness Camp in 1991
 (also see my Costa Rica website at  

At that time it was a small tourist lodge owned by Herb & Melanie Merchant. Herb was an elderly American from Wisconsin & Melanie was a young Tica (female costa rican). They had a few children, including Brian & Adrian & they had hired me to tutor the two of them four days a week in exchange for small financial compensation as well as free room & board...and after a while I also helped lead tourist expeditions. 
 above: (two on right) docy & austin andrews 
& (2nd from left) maybe sarah griffith(?) 
talking about the film after the viewing
far left: moderator
 ...however, I didn't see anything that looked familiar apart from the general views of Corcovado and the open water & all the various wildlife that you regularly see around Osa & Drake Bay et al (ie scarlet macaws, monkeys, dolphins, sloths, butterflies, & much more). Nonetheless, it was great to see Osa Peninsula in was mostly about Costa Rica's preservation of the rain forest after it was almost depleted for farming. The filmmakers (who are from Newport Beach) talked to many different locals as well as various non-local owners of lodges around Osa (but I didn't see any sign of "my"  Drake Bay camp or Herb & Melanie). I am thankful that Osa seems to be staying fairly preserved and that development hasn't overwhelmed it so far...I didn't get  a feel for how much it has changed around the Drake Bay area since 1991 (actually I returned in 1995 just to visit)...; I hope they do NOT allow major hotels & resorts in the area; and back in '91 & '95 there were still NO ROADS into the area...the only way in was by foot, horse, or boat at the time, and I hope that's the way it still is. It's an amazing part of the world as the film duly notes, and let us hope & pray that it remains preserved for many future generations, and thank our great God for such wonderful creation !

 thanks to the producers Austin &  Docy Andrews among others for making this film...hope it helps keep people aware of the need for preservation & education  
(also see their website at

note: they do have email addresses online but so far they have not responded to me. I'm sure they are very busy.