
Wednesday, April 15, 2015


at the 2015 PRAYER SUMMIT 

 (Los Angeles)

that was fun seeing Rev. Al VanderGriend. He was the pastor at Alger CRC most of the time I was growing up in Grand Rapids, Michigan. His daughter was one year younger than me ...and his son was a few years older than me. I didn't realize he was/is originally from the Lynden (WA) area..

Dimas Salaberrios (worked with Tim Keller for a while) does ministry in the Bronx area of New York City..

view of All Nations church from the 210 freeway

also fun seeing Joel Hogan again (orange)...he was one of the Philippines missionaries who we stayed with during our short-term summer mission of 1992, twenty-three years ago. This is the first time I've seen him since then. Almost looks the same but maybe a little thinner. Later, in the main sanctuary I think I saw his wife Patty sitting next to him. I assume it was her (distant view from behind) because he had his arm around her. She was always so nice. Their whole family very nice.

also speaking with Joel Hogan was Maged Dakdouk

looks like they might have a school at this church as well...although I didn't see any kids around..maybe just at certain times. The church itself seems to be mostly Asian (Korean?) but the people at the conference were a mixture of all races & ethnicities, mostly CRC-affiliated as best as I could tell 
(Christian Reformed Church).

 darkened prayer rooms with a few chairs were very nice for a moment of prayer & meditation
lots of various "breakout sessions"

that's the way to go !

one of the main sessions...the president of Calvin Seminary, Julius Medenblik (2nd-from-right), moderated a discussion with Dave Krump (far right, calvin college religion professor) ; as well as Felicia Bud & Eric Schuringa

jimmy Han led us in praise & worship ...nice music

lunches ready for all the attendees

the church itself is in a rural area,..I saw lots of horses & to the foothills ...san fernando valley...hansen dam...pacoima, is called Lakeview Terrace...about 20 miles from downtown Los Angeles

keep on praying !

"...The effectual 

fervent prayer of a

 righteous man 

availeth much...

James 5.16