
Thursday, April 9, 2015

4/6/15 this vietnamese-american came up to me as I was exercising in westminster, leo

...he was a nice young guy, apparently had recently been converted to Christianity after a life of living as a truck driver and also dealing & doing drugs. His new wife was with him as well (not shown). He apparently figured I was a Christian and really wanted to talk with me about the faith. He said he thought I was a "righteous person." I told him I'm a sinner just like everybody else, but am trying to be true to God and grow in faith.  He told me about the church he attended but wanted to know more and I told him about other churches and the difference between protestant & Catholic, and told him about the worldwide body of Christ being the true church as opposed to the church building on the corner. He apparently had been influenced by a signs & wonders ministry because he wanted to pray for me for healing for my chronic pain condition. I told him I didn't think we should put God to the test in such a way, but that we can pray for God's will to be done in regards to all things, including any health issues we may be experiencing...sometimes God uses these hardships as part of our faith journey. WE talked while exercising at this outdoor exercise area, and he left saying he would attend some other churches I mentioned. Maybe I will see him there, and will be praying for him (Leo).