
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

4/19/15 @ LA TIMES BOOK FESTIVAL, USC CAMPUS + Biblical Inspiration

Biblical Inspiration

"Do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised."

Hebrews 10:35-36

 Tommy Lasorda (right) 
interviewed by Bill Dwyre
re his new book
"My Way"  
see short video clip at


 free mcdonalds mini-slurpy

 Aaron Galvin ?

 this may be Victor VillaSenor, his latest book "Revenge of a Catholic Schoolboy". His book "Rain of Gold" had an influence on me when I was teaching at a Latino high school in coachella...lots of immigrants from Mexico and other central american gave me a perspective on how some Latinos feel "both here & there" and sometimes
 "neither here nor there"

author of MINGWE KYASUTA ?


 above: Malcolm Gladwell (right)

above: this is Dave Berg, author of a book about Jay Leno & the tonight show, entitled "Behind the Curtain". I spoke with berg for a few minutes, familiar with his name from hearing him on the late Frank Pastore Christian radio show. 

author of "Nothing is Promised" 
by Marjorie Belson ? 

"The 7th Sword"

 author Spencer Anderson 

margaret dilloway
 author of 
"How to be an American Housewife" ?

 there's a big Frank Sinatra 
exhibit on the USC campus 
(@ norris theatre)

 above: they spoke about
 death & dying

 Al Michaels (left)

 from "The Love Boat", 
Gavin McLeod played
 the captain on the show; 
promoting new book entitled
 "This is Your Captain Speaking"

 Steve Snyder book entitled
 "Shot Down" re B-17 bomber shot down during WWII (his father was the pilot)
 sports broadcaster 
Al Michaels (left)re new book
 "You Can't Make this Up" 
...i heard him talk about Howard Cosell 

"Seek first His kingdom & His righteousness, & all these things will be
given to you as well."
                                                                Matthew 6:33