
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

2/3/15 at the dmv referee, downtown los angeles...guy calling himself "Roc" turned down my smog waiver request

 at the dmv referee, downtown los angeles...guy calling himself "Roc" turned down my smog waiver request
 ...they're supposed to give you a two-year waiver on the smog requirement after you fail and have spent at least $650 on emissions repairs...; well my car failed but I've "only" spent $400 so far on repairs...and he didn't think these were even emissions repairs (ie sparkplugs etc) they denied my request..; my mechanic said he thought they would definitely grant the application...implying they are fairly flexible about the $650 requirement..but so far my experience has been otherwise..this guy's partner or co-referee (not shown) african-American fellow kept saying "It's the law" as if he were preaching the Gospel...I just smiled and said, "Ok,it's the law"...yeah right buddy as if the police don't selectively enforce the law everyday...; it's also the law that you don't sleep on the sidewalk and loiter & be a public nuisance..and walk thru downtown LA and it looks like a campground..; yet I get a feeling if I myself tried to sleep on the sidewalk they would arrest me ASAP...and why? because I am a 48-year-old "white boy" in their profile system. White boys must obey the law, must pay their fines, and will not get any lenience on DMV requirements. It's the law !i felt the anti-white sentiment the minute I walked in the door of this place. Go back to where you came from white boy! Um, the only problem is I came from here...and worked all over los angeles for thirteen years.

“Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” 
 Psalm 73:25-26