Rally for life in Oakland on
January 23, 2015 at Oakland City Hall ...we were hi-jacked by an
abortionist group (not shown here, but see
SHAME on the abortionists
!! This was a scheduled rally for pro-life people who want to protect unborn
life...a permit was granted for the pro-life people to
rally peacefully at Oakland City Hall..the 8th annual event..the day before the
bigger Walk 4Life West Coast in San Francisco. It began at 12 noon and the permit only allowed exactly one hour so
the speakers were moving thru quickly...one from Canton Ohio (Walter Moss, a
pastor; see http://www.blackprolifecoalition.org/speakers/waltermoss.html
); another the son of a famous former hall-of-fame pro football player (Dick
"Night Train" Lane; see http://www.blackprolifecoalition.org/speakers/richardlane.html
) ...and a few others..giving their
testimony...; the plan was that we would walk around a few blocks after the
rally and then gather back at city hall , but suddenly this group of pro-abortionists holding signs that said
"abortion without apology" walked right into the center of the
gathering area chanting their slogans
and interrupting our peaceful, law-abiding rally for the protection of unborn
babies. It was unbelievable. And I
thought they would keep going but they stayed right there in the middle, while
the police watched (apparently not sure what to do about it). This went on for
a while, using up all the permitted
time, and finally we (the pro-lifers) re-gathered together away from the
abortionists at which point the leader said he was cancelling the walk-around
for the safety of the children (some of
the abortionists sounded angry at us). Shame on the abortionists ! WE love you
and pray for you but your actions were a
form of harassment! Hope to see everybody at the walk 4life san francisco