
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

60)spain 88: another look at my stitched lip, day after

...another look at my stitched was the last night of the FALLAS festival in Denia..when everybody is out on the street watching the fallas burn and the locals shoot fireworks called "borrachos"...which is a spanish word for "drunk"...they are like giant bottlerockets except they hold them in their hand and don't always shoot them toward the sky, but often at eachother..and they are unpredictable which way they might turn or veer or whatever..I still do NOT know what happened but I either got hit by somebody or something..I didn't have any known enemies in Spain..wasn't in an argument or if somebody hit me with their fist I don't know why they would....or maybe I was trying to duck or run from a borracho and ran into something...don't remember ...don't know..but whatever happened..all I remember is being on the ground and feeling my face and realizing it was bleeding..and dave engelhard helped me up and took me back to our house and then they took me to the emergency room and I think I got fourteen stitches in my lip..still have the scar to this day..albeit barely also knocked my tooth out of place and i had to have a root canal when I returned to the USA...