
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

26)spain '88: there's audrey & barb, also our house on calle colon, & more

top left is our "madre" Lola...out on the patio..she took good care of middle is audrey van oen (from canada)  in the stripes & barb wiersma (from montana)  in pink,.and one other..can't see who it is..; in the middle is a posed photo of Gloria Mudd given to me by her..she was a Spanish gal from the town of Denia..she often was at the same cafe where we studied and I had a lot of good conversation with her..she even sent letters a few times to the United States after we left SPain..hope all is well for beautiful..she's probably married with a bunch of children now; bottom right..that's me studying on the patio. HOPE ALL is well for audrey & barb as well even though we have our differences