
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

16b) spain '88: incl sagrada familia, alfonso & fuensanta (our teachers), fallas, & more

TOP RIGHT: that is Fuensanta & Alfonso, two of our Spanish teachers who were from Spain...and lived in Denia..both of them very nice..made the learning experience very pleasurable.. : top middle another photo of alfonso and fuensanta along with our professor (profesora)  Cortina (who taught at Calvin College and traveled with us to Spain for the semester...she did it year after year for many years with numerous classes & 100's of new students...amazing), also in the photo is one of the other Spanish teachers for the advanced students; bottom-left is the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona..still under construction at the time..and may still be under construction's a lifelong project..; bottom right: that's me in th e red shirt along with the small group of us who hiked to the top of the mountain behind denia...I think I see Mark Hofstra and Audrey Van Oen as well, among others