
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

1) SPAIN '84-85: high school class trip

more photos from our high school trip to spain: top middle, not sure what they were doing...but that's scott brill & dave engelhard..scott looks like a deer caught in the headlights..poor guy..he was the defensive captain of our football team...pretty good player..last thing I heard he was working his way up the executive ladder at Target, living in the minneapolis area.. ; and in the middle there is the beautiful Julie friendly so cute..and a rainbow over madrid right next to her; middle left...a few of the girls not looking too happy that I am taking a photo..ha ha..girls like to be all prepped up and posed for photos; bottom left & bottom right..another cute Christian high girl..but for some reason I cannot remember her sorry, but I love you (Christian love of agape !)