
Wednesday, May 11, 2016

[why the hate?] 2/18/16 the guy behind the desk (employee) at bev hills library lied to me one time when he was on a public computer and I sat down next to him, and he said "somebody's sitting there"

 above: 2/18/16 the guy behind the desk (an employee) lied to me one time when he was on a public computer and I sat down next to  him, and he said "somebody's sitting there" ...the computer was "logged out" meaning nobody was on it anymore...not sure why he lied to me...why he was trying to get me to go somewhere else..i didn't realize at the time he worked at the library (Beverly hills)...put 2+2 together later on... now I'm savvy to his M.O. (not sure why this older white guy would have a grudge against me...I didn't do anything to him..never even met him before. I am a clean person. I don't stink. I have good hygiene..don't eat at the computers....why the HATE?!