
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

2/3/15 dropped in at Fuller Seminary...walk down memory lane , & I saw BJ (tp4!) + Biblical Inspiration

  2/3/15 dropped in at Fuller Seminary...walk down memory lane...they still have the same-old classroom schedule in the middle of the open area...i noticed a few of the same professors still teaching including Bradley & Thompson, & Richard Peace, & Goldingay, & Butler & Dyrness, among others...they've been around a LONG time !

 I also had a piece of pizza 
from the cafeteria for $1.75

  they were having a "mission fair"
as I walked around..

 i noticed they opened up a section of the new library that connects to a section of the old library..that wasn't available last time I was here..nice to see all the old paintings of the Fuller Fathers on the wall...

 the prayer garden

 I also ran into good ol' BJ (not shown)...he was serving India-style food in the psychology area...(for free!)...he insisted I have some rice and chicken and all the fixings...; BJ is the only person I saw who is from the "good ol' days" (or not so good ol' days as it may have been at fuller seminary around 2000)...; he told me he had a stroke at some point ...and was no longer employed at fuller seminary (he used to work in the library...the old library), his daughter was sitting nearby...they also had a jar sitting out for donations for "BJ & Friends India Ministry" ...for an orphanage I pulled a $5 dollar-bill out of my pocket and dropped it in..(give me some credit! sorry )... ; please keep BJ in your prayers...he seems to be okay but not as perfectly as he was back when I remember seeing him everyday at the library (he didn't remember my name..but seemed to vaguely remember me, or pretended to).. I just remember him as being one of the more friendly people on the 
not-so-friendly Fuller campus.

 above: the "new" library
 part of the old McAllister library 
still as it was back in the day

“Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death -- even death on a cross!  
Philippians 2:5-8