
Thursday, May 9, 2024

: It would be considered sexual harassment now, but back in the day..

It would be considered sexual harassment now, but back in the day when I was a student it was common at some Christian schools and even at Calvin College for insecure male  teachers or professors to needle students who threatened their insecure ego. 

These teachers would take cheap shots in subtle ways about a student's "manhood" or "masculinity". One way they  would do this was to raise their eyebrows and say "very creative "  in response to a thought you shared or something you wrote, etc. 

Sometimes they'd just do it one-to- one. Other times they'd do it in public, even in the classroom. It was definitely not appropriate for sure but they would get away with it back then as  part of their "bully pulpit." 

Because back then these self- proclaimed so-called "manly men" deemed "creativity " to be a non-masculine trait. 

Or in some cases if a professor couldn't  get away with doing something demeaning himself, he would encourage another student to do so. At Calvin College and Seminary if  they called you 'dude' that was also a little bit of a slur. 

For example, a professor might be speaking with one student and they might say about another student "oh, he's a dude," with an insinuating tone. And encourage that student to marginalize the other student as a dude.

 And this would also help take the light off of that professor who might be the actual less-than -virtuous person. It would especially help them if they could pit one student against another. 

One of the most egregious professors in this regard at Calvin Seminary was Roger Greenway (Bob DeVries may be second. Cal Van Reken was up there as well). They actually considered this unethical behavior as "gamemanship".  

Roger above all was highly threatened by my alpha male presence and more than once took some little unethical and inappropriate cheap shots at me such as the above. Or was intrusive. 

One time we had a banquet at the beginning of the year, and I had to go make a phone call. This was before cell phones, so I had to find a public phone. And we were at a public restaurant, not at the Seminary. So I stepped out for a few minutes.  IT was an important phone call that couldn't wait. When I came back he was demanding, " Where were you? Where'd you go?"  as if it was any of his business. I didn't even know him at that time.

I didn't even know his name. I didn't even know he was a professor. This was a banquet for new students, including professors and other staff as well. There were a lot of faces that I did not know at that time. I was not new to Calvin College; had already gotten my bachelor's degree there , but I was new to Calvin Seminary. 

He took an over- the- top special interest in everything about me which felt weird; even in this case taking special interest in why I was absent from the banquet for 5 or 10 minutes. 

What if I had been in the restroom with  diarrhea or something?  Is that his business as well ? This isn't like we're in elementary school or kindergarten where the teacher has to know everything about the kid like a parent. This is basically graduate school. 

Roger actually made the mistake of  continuing to take shots at me even after I had left  Calvin Seminary, and all the more stupidly, he did so in writing.  And once I find that letter that I still have somewhere, I will post it as evidence. 

But you see these low- level professors* would use the word "creative" & other similar enigmatic words  because it's ambiguous enough to use as "double speak." This way they are covering their tracks and they can  deny that they meant anything derogatory, if confronted by a complaint, or a  superior investigating their behavior. 

"Dude" passed as doublespeak in that regard as well because you could argue that it's an affectionate way of talking to a fellow person. 

Roger Greenway has passed away, so I won't go on and on... I won't go on any further,  but it's worth mentioning because there might be some professors still trying to get away with this this sort of bully behavior, and maybe some students can pick up a few tips from this information. Greenway was part of the reason that I decided to transfer to a different Seminary. 

 Don't allow professors to take advantage of you.  They have ethical responsibilities and obligations that come with their teaching position; and belittling students is a violation of those ethical standards. 

*Note: It's usually only a small amount of professors who need to use this kind of unethical "classroom control", (or even outside the classroom in some cases).  It's the professors who do NOT have real great command of their content, or don't have any real command at all. So they begin struggling for class control; feel insecure , and begin belittling students as a  way to silence them.

 Coincidentally,  both Roger Greenway and Bob DeVries may have been hired more for "legacy" reasons, or nepotism ( ie sons of professors or pastors)  rather than any real great academic command or proficiency.  I'm not sure about Cal Van Reken. 

Monday, May 6, 2024

This @stanford photographer was TOO INTRUSIVE with his camera.

This @stanford photographer was TOO INTRUSIVE with his camera. He would literally get in people's faces for an EXTENDED period of time, not just the speakers but the attendees too. It made people feel UNCOMFORTABLE. With such a BIG LENS, you do not need to get so close๐Ÿšซ

Friday, May 3, 2024

Joy Lender has shared a Prayer Request for "Steve & Winnie : They were led astray by Lefty liberalism. "

Joy L.
  click 'Display Images' to view  

for Steve & Winnie
They were led astray by Lefty liberalism.
- by Joy L. at 12:08 AM on Sat, Oct 28, 2023

These were 2 young people (at the time) I knew from Christian college and then they married & I had no idea I told later how leftist they had become. I simply assumed people chose to attend this college because they agree with it's conservative Christian viewpoint. Usually you choose a college that you agree with politically & theologically etc. But some come here because of their parents. They didn't really make it their personal choice. And so they start to "rebel". After college they really started showing their true colors. One has now even become a lefty politician & is anti-Life & embraced all the lefty anti- tradition. It's really sad . So I pray for a true conversion of their hearts before it's too late. Hear my prayer Lord. 

I Prayed for This Request Encourage
  click 'Display Images' to view   Joy L.
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Tuesday, April 30, 2024

re USPS E. Palo Alto, Bayshore

First of all, General Delivery was established by Congress for special situations when American citizens are traveling & need a place to temporarily receive mail. Some PCT (Pacific Coast Trail) as well as Appalachian Trail hikers often use it to receive necessities from their supporters. I know cross-country travelers who use it to have necessities sent to them , among other things. 

I begin with the above preface to explain my main point: I am traveling and I needed a medical device and so I ordered it and had it sent to the Cambridge Post office, in my name, general delivery. 

But the USPS tracking told me to pick it up at the Bayshore location.  However, at Bayshore they couldn't find it and told me to check at Cambridge. 

But before I left, the girl who looked for my package ๐Ÿ“ฆ told me that another employee told her that I'm supposed to have special permission from the postmaster to use general delivery.

 I quickly surmised that they had had a sarcastic conversation in the back assuming I was some kind of homeless bum trying to use general delivery as a substitute for having my own mailbox or post office box. 

That's completely INAPPROPRIATE of them to make such jaded pessimistic assumptions. I have a home where I receive mail but it is 300 miles away and I needed the medical device ASAP (for my hip) (not prescription medication) .

I encourage the post office supervisor to monitor these employees about making such pessimistic generalizations. And don't allow them to concoct fabrications about needing permission in advance to receive a package via General Delivery. It's not true ๐Ÿšซ๐Ÿ‘Ž. 

So I went over to the Cambridge location and lo and behold there was my package, no problem. What a relief - literally - it was /is for a chronic pain problem ( as mentioned above not prescription medication ๐Ÿšซ, even though it's not illegal to receive prescription medication from a  licensed medical provider or pharmacist)

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Watch "April 27, 2024 this law school event at Stanford was too pro- Hamas, & too anti-Jewish" on YouTube 

April 27, 2024 this law school event at Stanford was too pro- Hamas, & too anti-Jewish

I'm neither pro Hamas nor am I Jewish, but I am a Christian and so in general I support Judaism and pray for them also to accept Christ but I'm much closer to Jews that I am to Muslims. if you call yourself a Christian, to be precise, you are a Judeo-Christian. Our roots are in Judaism. Jesus himself in fact was Jewish. yes, Jesus was a Jew. 

This does not mean I support everything that the nation of Israel does. But the way in which Hamas attacked Israel left Israel no options other than extreme measures as they have taken. Hamas broke all the rules of war with the way they treated innocent civilians including women. 

I cannot even speak of the atrocities that they committed. It is unspeakable and grotesque what they did. It was not an act of war by Hamas but an act of terror. When you do something so despicable to humiliate the other side, how can you expect decency in response?

 Every man has their breaking point, and you (Hamas) broke it with the way you mistreated Israel on October 7, 2023 ๐Ÿ‘Ž. I would have expected much better by "sharp law school students." I haven't heard anybody apologize for the WAY Hamas attacked Israel in October 7th. 

IF you can't even apologize for the way Hamas attacked Israel, I don't see how you can expect Israel to be decent in return. I haven't even heard any of these Hamas demonstrators even criticize the way Hamas treated Israelites on October 7th. The only rhetoric I hear is that Jewish Israel is the "big bad guy" & Palestinians are the poor victims. 

At the bare minimum I would like to hear, I SHOULD hear, any decent analysis begin with "The attack by Hamas on Israel was DESPICABLE, and deserves retaliation, but now Israel should start backing off..."

 IF you can't even say that in your rhetoric, then I know you're just being MANIPULATIVE. Shame on you ๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ˜ก

Friday, April 26, 2024

Atherton library, San Mateo county CA 

Update: some people apparently have started reserving the study rooms in advance just in case they feel like going to the library ... but most of the time they don't show up. So it's like playing lotto whether or not to sit down in an empty room wondering if they will show up or not. 

Sure, you can reserve it after 15 minutes but that requires 10 more minutes to go to the desk and have them do it manually, and by that time you only have 35 minutes remaining to use the room. Then you have to do it again for the 2nd hour. So what's the ANSWER for these people making " just-in-case reservations" WITHOUT ever SHOWING UP?

 Only allow people to reserve a room twice a week maybe, rather than every day. I suspect the people who are doing this are making reservations for every day of the week and maybe showing up once or twice. 
It's a nice library, especially for those of us who remember the old library; however there are minorities from other places, even other countries, who are starting to become bossy , even towards anglos who have grown up here. It's bizarre how they start out friendly and submissive, just glad to be able to use the nice library, but then over time they become possessive and entitled even to the point of thinking they are superior to the locals.

Even a minority employee who apparently only works weekends and hadn't seen me before because I usually only visit during the week tried to treat me like a newcomer and even was a little misleading about using the study rooms, which I use on a regular basis and I know about all the rules.

I had to tell her the rules and that she was wrong about what she was telling me. I guess she wasn't expecting to hear such intelligence out of the mouth of a random "white boy" (who is almost 60-yo ).

Times have changed, haven't they.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Brightview Landscaping at downtown Palo Alto Library needs to be fired ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ‘Ž 

What's the freaking deal with Brightview Landscaping๐Ÿ˜ก⁉️๐Ÿ‘Ž at downtown Palo Alto Library . I pulled in one morning around 10:00 a.m. and they're doing their omnipresent ubiquitous leaf blowing thing, as they always freakin do, and then the chubby girl blowing the leaves not only does she try to blow a patch of dirt, unnecessarily kicking up dust -you can't blow dirt off dirt unless you're trying to dig a hole or something. Some things you just can't blow. You need to get out a rake or something.Use your muscles if you have any.  

But the main freakin problem was that she was aiming everything towards my vehicle and I'm sitting in the vehicle with Windows partially open. And she doesn't even stop despite apparently knowing that I'm in the vehicle. And all the dust and debris going all over my vehicle.

 So I finally get out of my freakin car and I say what's going on ? STOP. And she tries to say in broken English " I'm blowing I'm blowing" like she's an innocent Little Red Riding Hood or something. I know you're blowing, but you need to stop if you're getting it all over my car or any other car and if my windows are open all the more so! She pretends or maybe she actually can't speak any English. 

Doesn't Brightview do any training I mean it's not like this is brain surgery or rocket science to blow leaves but you have to have a LITTLE COMMON SENSE () not to blow the debris onto vehicles and cover their vehicles with debris (& care , not apathy; or Worse -getting stoned & then blowing leaves). 

Furthermore they blow this stuff over to the side by the fence and then THEY DON'T EVEN THEY DON'T EVEN SWEEP it up. And they don't even pick up the paper and trash that's on the side. 

They're very LAZY- all they seem willing to do is leaf blowing. I don't think this girl even had the dexterity to to bend over. It's lazy work really it really is lazy work leaf blowing & combined with apathy it's just a terrible operation.

Brightview ๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ˜ก needs to be fired and they need to get somebody new a new operation at the library or the city if the city is the contractor. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Pasadena is NOT improving, They are getting worse & more CORRUPT , even on New Year's Day , See

Pasadena is NOT improving, They are getting worse &
         more CORRUPT, 
                    even on               New Year's Day 

Saturday, April 20, 2024

This stupid little "clear bag policy " is becoming VERY ANNOYING at Stanford events ๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž

The elderly white people in red working there are becoming like aggressive little mean police dogs ๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ˜ก

review of Avery Aquatic Center on Google Maps 

Some of those people dressed in red who work there, especially the elderly white ones (which is most of them) can actually be overly pugnacious  even to the point of being wrong sometimes.

 I was already INSIDE the venue and sat on the east side originally. But there was too much sun. So after the first quarter I headed over towards the other side and I had my water bottle tucked into my waist belt as I usually do. (Yes, water bottles ARE allowed. Although they sometimes they ask for them to be empty,  and then refill them when you're inside. Other times they don't care so you never know. )

 And the red  lady thought it was suspicious. Even though I was already INSIDE the venue. She gave me a nasty look but didn't say anything so I just kept going. But she apparently signaled to the other person in red, an elderly white male with a white beard who always has a bemused look on his face, to track me down 

Suddenly he's asking me about my bottle which I pull out and show to him that's just water. There have been a little lemonade in there from previous drinks so it had mixed with the water that I had refilled and made it look a little cloudy. There was no alcohol in it. If you wanted to be sure he could have smelled it but he didn't. Nonetheless he asked me to empty it out and refill it over at the water station. No big deal except that I did like that lemon flavor. And it's just ridiculous how extreme they become and like they think they're so important. Sometimes it seems They think they're more important than the patrons apparently.

 I've never seen any really rowdy Stanford  spectators & even though this was a Cal versus Stanford game it was still pretty mellow. Maybe it makes them feel like they're actually relevant. And shame on Stanford for increasingly adding new little restrictions like the clear bag now. That's always the trend by bureaucracies to gradually increase little restrictions. Stanford is usually not like that but little by little they are becoming like that. Try to remember it's about the students. Without the students camo what do we have? 

And I'm not promoting myself as a student because I'm NOT a student. I'm almost a senior citizen. But I have a youthful look so some of these elderly people in red treat me like I'm a rebellious student or something. Where do these people in red come from anyways? Some of The elderly white ones sometimes seem a little bit like they're supremacists. 

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Target employees, redwood City 

Update: the Latino employee who I will call Eduardo at self-checkout was clearly racist against me (white) as he watched me intently, but as soon as I finished, he walked away from the self-checkout despite there being another customer not finished checking out. What race was this other customer? You guessed it: Latino
***Everything is pretty good here except the white guy who does the carts ๐Ÿ›’. 1st time I came there he stared me down as I drove into the parking lot. I dismissed it the first time. However, again today as soon as he saw me, it was as if he wanted me to see him around and about almost as if he had to show off . He walked past me going in. Then he walked past me in the shopping aisle ๐Ÿ›’. Then he reappeared as I was returning to my car with the groceries. It started to feel like harassment. I just want to shop peacefully and go home and target ๐ŸŽฏ is the best option when everything is working right. I hope management reads this and can do something about this cart guy. I have no idea what's going on. Now I'm thinking about shopping in the evening to avoid seeing this guy again. It shouldn't be this way.

Monday, April 15, 2024

Does Stanford have a SLOB epidemic ⁉️

Does Stanford have a SLOB epidemic ⁉️ at Stanford's nicest auditorium he puts his feet up like he's at home in his rat- ๐Ÿ€ infested living room (not a student, not sure what language he was speaking either)

response to article in Cowboy State Daily

Re story about "Californian in Mini" causing problems in snow on I-80 . The problem I have is pigeon-holing people according to their current "legal residence".

 Many of us were born & raised in 1 place, college elsewhere, temporarily reside here & there, etc. a person with a CA plate could actually by a Wyoming person who for whatever reason has CA residence, or dual residence, etc. by referring to a person as a Californian or Montanan or whatever, is reductionist for the sake of dumbing us all down & even sometimes harmful prejudice. 

Our modern world is much more complex & intricate than it was decades ago when people who were born somewhere stayed there forever. How about "fellow American" ? 

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Target , Mountain View, CA 

I don't mind being watched at self- checkout as long as they're watching everybody. Right when I began checking out, the Latino employee moved quickly to his post and watched . Then , as soon as I finished, the Latino employee watching me left his post even though there was still another person checking out. I'm white. The other person was Latino. You be the judge. Is this prejudice & preferential treatment? Harassment ?

 I'm almost 60 & been paying all my bills for all 60 years. Or since I was old enough to start paying my own bills. Prior to that, my parents paid all my bills and all their bills too. I also make donations, pay taxes, & worked as a civil servant for many years among other things.
-Born Here

Friday, March 29, 2024

Walmart Supercenter, Morgan Hill CA 

Shopping at Walmart has become a DISMAL EXPERIENCE ๐Ÿ™☹️specially if you go through the self-checkout. Now they have half of the self-checkout Lanes closed down and they have extra people watching your every move- it's like they're micromanaging.

 So they just stare at you the whole time blank-faced -they don't act like humans- even if you try to break the ice and say something nice or funny they just stare BLANKLY. They're like robots or even zombies. Severely DEHUMANIZING experience.

 I'm almost at the point where I won't go to Walmart anymore because even after checkout , you still have to go through the scrutiny of the of the person by the door who acts like he's the BIG BOSS ๐Ÿ‘Ž.

 Meanwhile, how many of these employees are actually stealing from Walmart themselves ⁉️

Thursday, March 28, 2024

re Sound Lab @NBPL main library

 When I arrived at a little after 10 am @nbpl hoping to use the sound lab, it was vacant & the door unlocked so i entered & tried logging in & the screen said "reserved for 5 more minutes". So I sat & waited, & 5 minutes passed & I logged in & started my recording session.

 About 20 minutes later, the employee called "nice Chris" entered & trying to act nice about it, implored me to allow the person who originally reserved it to reclaim his reservation despite according to the rules, having lost his rights to it for being almost 45 minutes late. 

How could I say no to "nice Chris" & be the mean guy to the underprivileged fellow who arrived late? So I acquiesced despite wanting to finish this recording project & there being no empty slots for the sound Lab for the rest of the week. Nice Chris said there are some openings on Sunday,  but I guess he forgot the library is closed on Easter. And I'm leaving again for a few months, maybe longer. But it's okay. We need to make a  sacrifice sometimes for the underprivileged. 

And memo to the underprivileged person: please show up on time for your 4-hour reservation next time. You can't Keep the Sound Lab reserved & excluded to all others if you don't show up. You're lucky you had Nice Chris caring so much for you. And It would have been cool if you had said thanks to me. I could have put up a fuss & made a stand according to library rules.  

Also, young man,  it's your prerogative to wear pajamas all day, but at least could you pull them up so your underwear is not showing? Please? It's disrespectful & degrades the library atmosphere. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Newport Beach Public Library 

New construction project is making parking a hassle. Used to be plenty of spots in the structure now you have to go all the way to the top almost to get a spot during the busiest time of day. Meanwhile, the library itself seems to 
becoming a little more ghetto in nature. 

I used the sound Lab this morning & I was told that I had to leave because somebody else already had a reservation. Even though they were late for the reservation which is the only reason I could log into the computer in the sound Lab. They were more than 10 or 15 minutes late. 

But I didn't put up an argument I just said okay no problem. The guy who had the reservation came in wearing what looked like pajamas and they were halfway down his backside showing his underwear. 

You don't have to come down Newport Beach to prove you are ghetto. There's plenty of libraries all around OC  and LA counties where you can fit in much more comfortably than here. I mean I just don't get why people would take the long bus ride or however they get here just to  shove it in your face and say I'm ghetto.

 That seems to be their main point of coming here, just to be annoying. And I'm NOT talking about any particular skin color or race. I'm talking about attitude. Nobody cares about your skin color or race or socioeconomics as long as you're just a decent person. 

Anybody can buy decent- enough clothes that will be fine to come to the library. But when you intentionally lower your pants halfway down your back side, we know you're trying to insult Us & say
 "F you" to us. Why travel all this way just to say F You to us ? Are you really that angry ? Does this make you feel better? 
Been gone for a few months. Wandered down to computer lab around 6pm. Hoping for some new faces, rather than the same ol robots. Sat down for a few moments & in walks the bossy Asian lady who used to try to dim the lights, until I said NO ๐Ÿšซ. Groan. She's still coming here like she owns it. So I leave. Can't stand to be around her.
--I found a guy's wallet in the downstairs computer lab and saw the name inside, so I looked it up online and he turned out to be a UCI employee. I found an email to contact him & told him to come and get it or else I will bring it to the desk. He came within an hour to get his wallet but he Didn't Even Say Thanks or show any appreciation to me.
Even worse he treated me like I was the Bad Guy For Contacting Him to help him get his wallet back which included money in it. I wasn't expecting a reward but a Genuine Thanks would have been nice. GO FIGURE THAT. How many people would try to contact him to help him get it back?
It has a lot of nice features and generally nice atmosphere . However there are a few " obsessive compulsive" personalities at the public computers that always make it a little creepy . Two people in the downstairs lab (one female, the other male) are there SO OFTEN- esp the guy, you begin to feel like you are in their bedroom or living room. I just don't like being there anymore when they are there , which is almost always ๐Ÿ‘Ž.
Maybe they could have a time limit on the downstairs computers to help move some of these over-users on to living a life. Or at least go upstairs for a while. Take a walk. Call your family. Make a new friend.  See your therapist. Go to the beach ⛱️. Live a life . You CAN do it ๐Ÿ‘

re Pasadena Public Library-Central Library 

Believe it or not, they have a very rudimentary untied-shoes sort of creepy fellow basically living inside the condemned Library who peeks out the window to make sure nobody is sitting on the lawn. 

It seems like the orders are coming from above that they want to make sure nobody stays on or near the closed Library lawn for very long. If you walk by and take a break, sit down, rest, and  use their Wi-Fi which is still on as a free accessory ( "free" meaning tax-payer benefit) they will forcefully ( not physical force as far as I know, yet ) but without apology, & without normal social etiquette, and without even showing identification, make sure that you leave the PUBLIC premises , (PROBABLY ILLEGALLY because it is public property and the outside is not condemned).

 They are so DEATHLY AFRAID of becoming like a downtown Los Angeles homeless haven that they have orders to make sure nobody stays on the public lawn and pay a low level security guard (maybe ex-con) to stay inside the library at all times peeking out the window to enforce this (probably illegally) , even on New Year's Day the day of the famous Rose Parade when there are thousands of tourists walking to the parade and from the parade back to their cars, as well as to the Rose bowl for the football game. It is freakin CREEPY ๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ˜ก

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

"Sreenivasan Jain "- Wikipedia

Sreenivasan Jain did a lecture at Stanford re "Love Jihad",  which was a little too lengthy, and at one point he showed a cartoon depicting Mother Theresa feeding an impoverished child, ... and it was intended to be a satire of her trying to also convert the child to Catholic Christianity. I thought this was a tasteless misrepresentation of Theresa and Christian/Catholic missionaries in general. I know of no missionaries that do any arm-twisting to lead people to Christ. It is total free will choice. Christianity of all the religions is the most respectful, honest, peaceful,& loving of all religions, not even arguable . Shame on Sreenivasan Jain๐Ÿ‘Ž 

Friday, March 8, 2024

x1000 Prayers for morbidly obese Olga at annual conference, e 3/8/24

Clicker: 1000

Sum: 1000 

Naboj icadooh

"Olga" (not real name) is seriously ill and needs our prayers before she dies of a heart attack due to morbid obesity. Please pray ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™✝️๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™ for a gentle wakeup call for Olga . God please intervene! Hear our prayers 

Correction: Memorial Church at Stanford 

I attend the Catholic mass every Sunday which is usually decent. The one thing I don't like is when they do the "peace" thing- and everybody is supposed to say hello to one another. The problem is when opportunistic attendees use it for "othering" people (ie marginalizing). Most people come to church with their loved ones whom they are with all the time. 

Which makes it strange to me that when they do the peace, the 1st person(s) they turn to are the people they live with and love & see every day. Then they turn to others and give a little nod or wave. Or sometimes not even that. 

Since I come alone, it's awkward waiting for a nod of approval from some family after they remind one another how much they love each other and then turn to others. I don't like being "othered". So now I just kneel and pray during "the peace" and talk to my best friend, God . 

This is the way it is that almost every Catholic Church by the way not just at the Stanford Memorial Catholic Church Catholic service. And it is something of a problem for the Catholic Church they have not yet addressed,  although some Catholic churches skip over the " passing of the peace" which I think is a good idea, because it's too often used wrongly for self-serving reasons rather than making everybody feel included. 

Memorial Church at Stanford 
I attend the Catholic mass every Sunday which is usually decent. The one thing I don't like is when they do the "peace" thing- and everybody is supposed to say hello to one another. The problem is when opportunistic attendees use it for "othering" people (ie marginalizing). Most people come to church with their loved ones whom they are with all the time. Which makes it strange to me that when they do the peace, the 1st person(s) they turn to are the people they live with and love &  see every day. Then they turn to others and give a little nod or wave. Or sometimes not even that. Since I come alone, it's awkward waiting for a nod of approval from some family after they remind one another how much they love each other and then turn to others. I don't like being "bothered". So now I just kneel and pray during "the peace" and talk to my best friend, God . 

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Why are some @Stanford students such CHICKENS ๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ” when walking at night?

Why are some @Stanford students such CHICKENS ๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ” when walking at night? Sometimes I'm walking back to my car & some act like they're little red riding hood (even a guy one time) & I'm the wolf ๐Ÿบ๐Ÿบ๐Ÿบ.

I can assure you I'm just as nervous crossing paths with you not b/c ur threatening but because you DON'T have any self confidence. You're like little squirrels ๐Ÿฟ️๐Ÿฟ️๐Ÿฟ️ afraid of anything that moves. Be strong๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’ช. Stop thinking in terms of "just little special me" 

Take some self-defense ๐Ÿฅ‹๐ŸฅŠ classes if it will help your confidence, or carry some pepper spray if it makes you feel better. You're NOT little kids anymore. Start growing up. That's what college is about. 

And I can assure you 95 to 99% of people DON'T CARE how special u
THINK u are. 

And to the  Stanford administration: please consider offering classes to help your young students gain confidence when walking alone. Scared students are like scared hikers: they let their imagination get the best of them
ruin it for everybody else. 

Fear is contagious and so is courage. What's more beneficial? You're supposed to be helping these kids grow up not just by memorizing and regurgitating,  but also emotionally & physically amongst other things. 

Maybe a lot of these kids grew up in suburbs and the Stanford setting doesn't challenge them enough in terms of "street smarts". Bring some people in to show them how to be tough, or at least ACT TOUGH in the right circumstances rather than thinking of themselves as little lambs ๐Ÿ‘. And how to discern between a real danger versus a nice guy. 

Offer  some lectures showing statistics that most people are NOT predators, NOT even most muscular males. (And that muscular males can be their best protectors, but not if you treat them like predators). 

Google has blocked me from my Gmail account associated with Info Prayers blog

I reported earlier that two of my Gmail accounts had been BLOCKED including my blogs. One Gmail & associated blogs has been reinstated, the other NOT yet; & now I realize why: 

I recently added a NEW BLOG called INFO PRAYERS (no relation to Infowars but probably lefties flagged it anyways) 

For many years I've had another blog called #PrayTheNews,  so #InfoPrayers is similar to that theme. The PTN blog still continues, & I thought info prayers was good too, but I guess it's too close to being like Alex Jones Infowars for the snowflake lefties. 

But since it doesn't actually violate any policies or would seem like they're violating my rights to just take it down simply because they don't like the name being so similar to Alex Jones Infowars

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Google's lefty bias & persecution of the right is UNDENIABLE : a poem

In the digital realm where searches abound, Many voices claim BIAS, a narrative unsound. Google's LEFTY lean, they loudly decry, In algorithms & results, they spy.

With each click & query, suspicions arise, Of curated content, veiling the skies. A leftward tilt in the information flow, Where Dissenting voices struggle to grow.

Yet Google defends its impartial stance,
Amidst the debates & fiery dance.
The algorithms, they LIE, are neutral & fair, But skeptics persist in their wary stare.

In the realm of search, where Truth should reign, The specter of Bias inflicts a stain. But amidst the noise & partisan cries,We seek for balance under digital skies.

re respect for those who served ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿช–๐ŸŽ–️ (not their adult children who didn't)

I respect veterans and those who serve our country ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฒbut not necessarily the adult children of these military ๐ŸŽ–️๐Ÿช– persons (that do not serve themselves) who puff themselves up because of their father's service (or mother )
 ( like Megan McCain for example)

If you didn't personally serve your country you don't get the same respect by virtue of being a child of somebody who valiantly served. You get regular respect for being a decent citizen (hopefully)

cc: Bob Kok

Friday, March 1, 2024


Tonight it was rain and the media is reporting blizzard (at high elevations), storms, rainfall,high winds,etc . So around 6 pm I accept a delivery which turns out to be a double delivery. When you accept a delivery you aren't told if it's a single or double. You realize it's a double after accepting. If you don't accept you lose 1st priority status. So I accept everything.

 But a double delivery takes more time and is more difficult to communicate with the customer due to all the bells & whistles on the app & the danger of lag or crash etc if you click too much. By double delivery I mean they have you pickup 2 nearby orders and then they provide the recipient addresses, one after the other.

 And it was pouring rain ๐ŸŒง️, and in this area i know in advance there's nowhere to park near the restaurant to pick up the order so I walk (actually run) to restaurant #1, & pick up the order where they have no plastic bags even for rainy days ( fortunately i brought a blanket with me to the the order,as well as an umbrella ☔) ,& then run to restaurant #2.

At restaurant #2 I lose my data connection but fortunately they have WiFi so after I figure out the password I'm able to tell them whose order I'm picking up.I literally run back back to the car in the rain with 2 orders under my blanket in one hand, and holding the umbrella in my other hand, trying not to trip & fall. The whole trek is about 3/4 mile on foot, total. 

I drive to recipient #1 in the pouring rain. 
Along the way I get a text from recipient #2 asking "What time i will arrive?" This means she's not happy, wondering why its taking so long. I can't respond to her immediately because I'm afraid of losing the directions to recipient #1 address.

The dasher app can be clunky sometimes so that if you switch screens too much it sometimes lags, or even crashes at times.  IF it crashes it can be a 10 or 15 minute delay for it to reboot. So I wait until completing delivery #1 to text recipient #2 saying I'm "on the way". 

And a few minutes later I'm dropping off the order on #2's  steps, leaving a text message saying it's "On your doorstep. Thanks" per instructions. At this point I notice they decided to leave tip "after delivery", depending whether they approve of me or not. I move onward. 

Later, I make one more delivery and also notice a homeless person at a 7-11 who didn't look too good. I interacted with him,  but he wasn't very responsive. I left him a few dollar bills in his hand but wondered if a random fellow nearby would steal it from him once I drive away. I also call the police and asked them to do a "welfare check". Prayers for him on this cold & wet evening. And that's it for the evening.

 I check the app one more time and  notice that recipient #2 decided to leave "NO TIP". Do they have any idea what I did to try to get their delivery to them as fast as possible in the pouring rain doing a double delivery ⁉️

Oh, by the way, I am a highly educated person with 2 bachelor degrees & a masters & professional working experience. I do door dash periodically as I am working on another degree. Some people assume all delivery people are desperate high school dropouts or something. Not true. We like to be respected too. 

3/1/24 ๐Ÿ‘‡☝️
I'm a door dash delivery person. This is where I will leave my thoughts & comments, anonymously.

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Dear Bob Ko K (Coke) I love you so much in Christ (Agape) and all the Ko K family .. we've been thru

Dear Bob Ko K (Coke)  I love you so much in Christ (Agape) and all the Ko K (Coke)  family .. we've been thru  so much together as an extended family. Can we not  we show love and kindness and benevolence towards one another ? Can we not be united in Christ as well as an extended family.? Your family has been thru a lot. We love you all. I am not sure how my communication was misinterpreted but it was all intended with love and respect for you and all the Coke family . I pray for reconciliation and peace. I receive kind and respectful dialogue with other family members. Is it only you (singular) that remains antagonistic towards me ? Bob, I love you (agape) in Christ and always will. None of your language or non-loving correspondence will change this to the end. God be with you. May you talk to Jesus Christ and ask for a spirit of reconciliation and kindness and peace in His name. Be filled with the love of the  Holy Spirit Bob. I claim not personal perfection in extending an olive branch . If we all had to be perfect persons before we could preach Christ, the pulpits would be empty. Hear my prayer for you (singular) as well as all of our extended family. 

In Christ Forever

Joy Lender 

Thursday, January 11, 2024

A shot out of left field by mom (November 2023)

We were doing photo ministry: viewing old historic photos I scanned and put on computer, transforming them into digital format. A photo of my friend Doug (whose life ended tragically , RIP ๐Ÿ™ ✝️ ๐ŸคŽ) in our speedboat in Long Beach CA comes up & Linda blurts out something random about that day ( she wasn't even with us that day) that made no sense.... 

more about this later.

(Prayers for my elderly mom. 
Hopefully it's not a sign of things to come)

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

College Terrace Library, Palo Alto

So I stopped in at the terrace library which I hadn't been to in a while. first thing happened was somebody parked right in front of me the wrong way facing the wrong way on the street taking my spot no apology as if there's no other spots around which they are. This isn't New York City .

Then I enter the library and there's an adult person LYING ON HIS BACK reading his phone. Comfortable?

I sit down and start working on my laptop and suddenly a guy burst in with lots of bags and stuff he sits down next to me and then he pulls out two hot smelly sandwiches he just bought at some restaurant and for some reason he said to carry him all the way to the library to eat here. 

So I look at the Palo Alto library website and it says NO FOOD OR DRINKS. Why won't they enforce this ? I mean I get it if you want to bring a bottle of water or juice or whatever -even maybe a little something to eat on the side quietly or outside. 

But this dude was CHOWING DOWN on smelly sandwiches, chewing loudly, not quietly. Furthermore, He decided to stand up from the chair next to me and move over to sit down at the table RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME so I was in his line of vision. As well as the smell ๐Ÿ‘Ž. & He seemed to enjoy PURPOSELY annoying me.  it seems like his INTENT was to purposely annoy me. 

Why won't library staff enforce the rules except against me.  Please just do your job. Enforce your own rules. 

Monday, January 1, 2024

Watch "Toho Japan ๐Ÿ‡ฏ๐Ÿ‡ตGreen Band ๐Ÿฅ ๐ŸŽท ๐ŸŽน ๐ŸŽต๐ŸŽถ๐Ÿ˜€ๆฑ้‚ฆใ‚ธใƒฃใƒ‘ใƒณ ใ‚ฐใƒชใƒผใƒณใƒใƒณใƒ‰、 ใƒญใƒผใ‚บใƒ‘ใƒฌใƒผใƒ‰๐ŸŒน Rose Parade ๐ŸŒน2024" on YouTube

Toho Japan ๐Ÿ‡ฏ๐Ÿ‡ตGreen Band ๐Ÿฅ ๐ŸŽท ๐ŸŽน ๐ŸŽต๐ŸŽถ๐Ÿ˜€ๆฑ้‚ฆใ‚ธใƒฃใƒ‘ใƒณ  ใ‚ฐใƒชใƒผใƒณใƒใƒณใƒ‰、 ใƒญใƒผใ‚บใƒ‘ใƒฌใƒผใƒ‰๐ŸŒน  Rose Parade ๐ŸŒน2024 

Watch "Toho Japan ๐Ÿ‡ฏ๐Ÿ‡ตGreen Band ๐Ÿฅ ๐ŸŽท ๐ŸŽน ๐ŸŽต๐ŸŽถ๐Ÿ˜€ๆฑ้‚ฆใ‚ธใƒฃใƒ‘ใƒณ ใ‚ฐใƒชใƒผใƒณใƒใƒณใƒ‰、 ใƒญใƒผใ‚บใƒ‘ใƒฌใƒผใƒ‰๐ŸŒน Rose Parade ๐ŸŒน2024" on YouTube

Toho Japan ๐Ÿ‡ฏ๐Ÿ‡ตGreen Band ๐Ÿฅ ๐ŸŽท ๐ŸŽน ๐ŸŽต๐ŸŽถ๐Ÿ˜€ๆฑ้‚ฆใ‚ธใƒฃใƒ‘ใƒณ  ใ‚ฐใƒชใƒผใƒณใƒใƒณใƒ‰、 ใƒญใƒผใ‚บใƒ‘ใƒฌใƒผใƒ‰๐ŸŒน  Rose Parade ๐ŸŒน2024 

Sunday, December 31, 2023

Saturday, December 30, 2023

๐Ÿ˜€ๆฑ้‚ฆใ‚ธใƒฃใƒ‘ใƒณ๐Ÿ‡ฏ๐Ÿ‡ต ใ‚ฐใƒชใƒผใƒณใƒใƒณใƒ‰、 ใƒญใƒผใ‚บใƒ‘ใƒฌใƒผใƒ‰๐ŸŒน12/30/24 ๐Ÿ˜€Toho Japan๐Ÿ‡ฏ๐Ÿ‡ต Green band, Rose Parade ๐ŸŒน #BandFest 2024 ๐ŸŽบ ๐Ÿฅ ๐ŸŽท ๐ŸŽน ๐ŸŽต๐ŸŽถ

๐Ÿ˜€ๆฑ้‚ฆใ‚ธใƒฃใƒ‘ใƒณ๐Ÿ‡ฏ๐Ÿ‡ต ใ‚ฐใƒชใƒผใƒณใƒใƒณใƒ‰、 ใƒญใƒผใ‚บใƒ‘ใƒฌใƒผใƒ‰๐ŸŒน12/30/24 ๐Ÿ˜€Toho Japan๐Ÿ‡ฏ๐Ÿ‡ต Green band,Rose Parade ๐ŸŒน #BandFest 2024 ๐ŸŽบ ๐Ÿฅ ๐ŸŽท ๐ŸŽน ๐ŸŽต

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

"Every Saturn Car And What They Are Worth Today"

 "as one of the later cars that Saturn produced, the Relay was one of four badge-engineered variants produced by various GM subsidiaries. It was a four-door minivan built alongside the Buick Terraza, the Chevrolet Uplander, and the Pontiac Montana. It's the cheapest Saturn you can get on the used car market.

Performance Specs
3.5-liter Naturally Aspirated V-6
3.9-Liter Naturally Aspirated V-6

4-Speed Automatic

204 HP
230 HP

216 lb-ft
235 lb-ft


0-60 MPH
10.5 Seconds
8.8 Seconds

Top Speed
122 MPH
132 MPH

(Data was collected from Automobile Catalog)

Like most Saturns, the Relay is pretty sturdy. Saturn tried to market the Relay as a crossover sports van due to the V-6 engine under the hood but that's a bit of a stretch. It really was just too unrefined to be a good choice when it was on the market, and age hasn't made it better.

Well laid-out interior
Sturdy transmission
Look for models with all-wheel drive
Its V-6 isn't very refined, even by 2005 standards
Seats aren't as adjustable as competitors 

Series: 1/2 Ton
Trim: EXT & RF3
Gross Vehicle Weight Rating: Class 1D: 5,001 - 6,000 lb (2,268 - 2,722 kg)
Drive Type:
Cylinders: 6
Primary Fuel Type: Gasoline
Electrification Level:
Secondary Fuel Type:
Engine Model: LX9
Engine Brake (HP):
Engine Manufacturer: GM
Engine Displacement (L): 3.5
Transmission Speed:
Transmission Style:

"Curbside Outtake: 2005 Saturn Relay - The Minivan So Exclusive, Almost None Will Be Built "- Curbside Classic

Thursday, December 14, 2023

12/14/23 Can't recommend "24 roadside service" ๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ˜กin San Carlos CA (no physical address?) 

Re "24 roadside service"
San Carlos CA
no physical address?
The guy who did the jump start was ok.But the dispatch dude (who is also the owner named Rick) was a jerk to me on phone ๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ˜ก. In addition to insulting me, he answers the phone without announcing who they are ( ie just says "hello" like you're calling a homeowner. So you have to first ask "is this roadside service?") . Needless to say, I asked my roadside to change to a different responder but it was too late. Never again.

Friday, December 8, 2023 

Sometimes I get requests to do a delivery to somebody in the dorm, like the Griffin recently which doesn't have a review button so I am putting the review here for the Griffin here. The amount for the delivery was very small and normally I would turn it down but I figured they'd probably add a tip. But they DIDN'T. If Stanford students in the dorms get a reputation of NOT TIPPING, don't expect people to accept deliveries with the cost of gas. I probably broke even on this job. None of us are required to accept deliveries it's TOTALLY OPTIONAL. And I don't think there's too many of us are so desperate that we need to take jobs that at we don't make money on. Oh, and don't make negative assumptions about who does deliveries. I am educated too. thank you very much. BA/BA/M.Div 

Memorial Church, Stanford 

12/8/23 I've been coming to Stanford Memorial Church ⛪ for many years now, & tonight I attended the sing-along Christian worship ("festival of lessons & carols") which I thought would include the Catholics &  be ecumenical, but it turned out to be mostly composed of  the group led by the black leader from the Sunday 11am progressive service,  which is fine (although I'm not progressive, but conservative). However I would have liked if it had included the Catholics.

 Nonetheless, it started out nice & peaceful -very Christmas-y music . However, around halfway through the service I noticed a lady standing in back of me pacing & then she was kind of wandering around almost like a tourist looking at the walls maybe taking pictures I wasn't sure, & apparently not interested in being here for the service. This is usually frowned upon during a worship service. So I looked back and kind of gave her a hard stare to tell her that she was being bothersome. She apparently didn't care if she was being bothersome,  but she did disappear for a while. 

Then, near the end of the service she reappeared and stood closely behind me. I noticed a few others looking back at her as well as if wondering what she was doing. Stanford students aren't used to being watched by a security guard- you don't get into Stanford by being a bad boy or girl. And you don't need a babysitter. Anyways, I decided to leave a few seconds early because of her creepy presence (yes, some females can be creepy too sometimes) plus I had to get somewhere. 

So I went out the side door & she followed me. At this point, I'm like what the heck is going on? This is turning into harassment. Apparently she didn't even know what was behind the door that I went out, so I don't know what she's doing- like she's pretending to be a security guard or what's going on?! she obviously doesn't know the way things we work around Stanford. Police & security here are usually very low key and cool, NOT suspicious of everybody. 

I think she was kind of African-American, or dark skinned,  but it wasn't obvious exactly her race or ethnicity. She watched me go out the door and looked outside as if she had never seen this side of the church before. So either she was an imposter, or they assigned her to be some kind of attendant even though it was her first time there, which isn't very wise- if she doesn't even know the layout of the church,  & so everything seems suspicious to her. 

There's also a restroom in this hallway . which  would be another practical reason to go through this door & happens periodically during church services. Needless to say,  if this happens again I will make a complaint about her & whoever assigned her to do this, if such is the case.  If you just grab people and ask them to be an attendant or "play security" you need to have give them a little training first, & make sure they have practical skills as well as people skills, and aren't suspicious of everything that moves, or hopefully not just because I'm white at a black-led service. Can you imagine a white person doing this towards a black person? 

Furthermore, my family are big donors to Stanford and they will not be happy to hear about this. None of us here  need to be watched or observed or monitored. I am a very good person & a  good citizen & apparently I've been coming here much longer than this lady who appeared to be here for the first time. And suddenly she's a security guard,  or a wannabee?   That's not the way it works around the Stanford I know. Never has, never will. And at a Christmas service of all things. Good grief. Shame on you ๐Ÿ‘Ž.

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Poke House - Palo Alto 

They didn't even say thank you when I picked up the order ๐Ÿ‘Ž. Just because I'm a delivery person and not the actual customer doesn't mean I don't like to be appreciated. I said Thank you to them, but I didn't get any love back . Being a waitress doesn't make you a hero , but you still like to get tips and you still like to be thanked. Likewise. As the most famous person in the world once said, "Do unto others ..." ๐Ÿ’œ✝️

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

SHAME ON Walgreens Manager at 2605 Middlefield Rd, Palo Alto, CA 94306 

This place turned into a fiasco for me ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ‘Ž. I was visiting for a few weeks , attending events at nearby Stanford campus, and I started getting a check engine light (CEL) for my Mass Airflow Sensor (MAF). SO I went to eBay to search for the part, and found one.

 But before I ordered it, I called this FedEx/ Walgreens & asked if i could have it delivered there for me. The young fellow said "Sure, no problem". So I went ahead and ordered it . The next day I notice the seller switched from FedEx to UPS ( & still later UPS handed it off to USPS).

 Meanwhile I called back to Walgreens & this time a lady answered (turns out she's the manager named Madeline) & asked if they would accept the package ๐Ÿ“ฆ from USPS and if I could still pick it up. Her loud emotional response left me in a state of inner turmoil. I was stunned & shocked by her demeanor.

 First, she raised her voice and said "You sent a package to MY ADDRESS⁉️" as if it was her personal home address (I'm pretty sure she doesn't own the store nor lives there). 

So already I was already alarmed at her sense of excessive entitlement just because she's the manager. Then she screeched "That's illegal. It's illegal" blah blah . I told her that one of the store employees had given me the okay. She screeched again "He misinformed you". Everything she said was spoken on a tone as if this was a 911 emergency. I finally just hung up, it was so upsetting and out-of-control on her part. So I tried to stop shipping but the eBay seller said it was too late. 

The item was eventually delivered to the Walgreens but I didn't even try to go pick it up. I didn't want to go anywhere near this place after the conversation with Madeline. I sent a complaint to Walgreens corporate and told them no matter how much she thinks this is her store, she still has a Legal Obligation to "Return to Sender" .

 Eventually the package ๐Ÿ“ฆ apparently was returned to sender but without the requisite "return label" eBay provides in such cases. It will probably get back to the seller eventually but they weren't sounding very promising that I would get a refund without the refund return label. 

The only good thing to come from all of this is that eBay stood up and said that given the circumstances, they would refund me OUT OF THEIR OWN POCKET. 
Thank you eBay ๐Ÿ‘. 

Shame on Madeline most of all ๐Ÿ‘Ž.
 Your behavior and tone was unacceptable. 

Monday, December 4, 2023

re SNARKY high school dropout clerks who call you "BOSS"

SNARKY high school 
dropout clerks
who  call
 you "BOSS" in a
 PSEUDO- respectful
 manner BE FIRED ⁉️
(PSEUDO- means fake, insincere NOT truly respectful)

Don't call me boss

Do you like it when 
SNARKY high school 
dropout clerks call
 you "BOSS" in a
 pseudo- respectful
 manner ⁉️

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Pizzeria Delfina - Palo Alto

The white kid at the front counter is a little cocky. He said the words "Have a nice day" but it sounded artificial. Maybe a little supercilious. Dude, you sell pizza ๐Ÿ•. You're NOT a Stanford ⭐. Even Stanford stars aren't cocky like that. In fact, Stanford students are some of the coolest ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ‘, and smartest. You're not there yet. You can redeem yourself. Tone it down. Smile a little ๐Ÿ™‚. Be genuine, as if you REALLY CARE that we have a nice day . 

Grace Presbyterian Church of Silicon Valley

ThIs church was very cool the first few times I came here, but recently I've noticed they're artificially r trying to create a more mixed racial atmosphere, with certain people who wouldn't naturally be attracted to this type of church. 

And then also they've added beefy security, including one who stands on the street corner at the end of the service and looks like a wannabe FBI agent, speaking secretively into a little microphone  (probably faking it) as if assessing any possible threats .

 They've definitely made some "adjustments" recently that will eventually make them JUST LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE blah blah (if u know what I mean) instead of the special new congregation they started out as ... 

Nonetheless, I am praying and hoping for the best ๐Ÿ™... maybe this will give them a heads up. I know the pressure is on, but Please DON'T ACQUIESCE to the pressure to become "politically correct " ๐Ÿšซ. 

Friday, December 1, 2023

BioLife Roseville CA ๐Ÿ‘Ž☹️

This actually happened 
a year ago in 2022: 
A young lady did a BAD JAB and caused clotting so they couldn't return my blood, so I get "deferred" for 8 weeks. THEY'RE FAULT. MY LOSS ๐Ÿ‘Ž.  And they DON'T give you any extra๐Ÿ’ฒcompensation. "Ryan" DIDN'T appear to feel bad about this fact. It's not until you experience something like this that you realize how much it is primarily devoted to being a MONEY-MAKING MACHINE. Not about people,but ๐Ÿ’ฐ (at this location) 

 PLUS they give you BLANK FACE SORRY (NOT SORRY) stares .And they come out with a WALL of people to STARE you down like they have an "angry white male" ( I'm not male. I'm non-binary).  And they speak in a monotone voice like they're talking to "just another stupid white male". Didn't I say I'm NON-BINARY⁉️.

Then the "supervisor" from India tells you it's FDA regulations that you must wait 30 minutes (even though last time this happened the nurse simply asked if I was feeling ok.and let me go) . They say it's a "new regulation" but can't tell you when it became a new regulation. 

And they speak DOWN to you in condescending manner, like you're just another stupid pin ๐Ÿ“Œ cushion, when you express a little frustration. Needless to say , NOT a professional environment ๐Ÿ‘Ž NOR  caring . 

 The other 2 Sacramento locations are actually better and more experienced. I would recommend AGAINST coming to this location. 

Also, this is an ULTRA so-called "liberal  progressive"location ๐Ÿ‘Ž so if you're more of a traditional type of person you may feel a little uncomfortable, or should I say they will try to make you feel uncomfortable. And don't rule out the possiblity an INTENTIONAL bad jab .

 These progressives are the ACTUAL HATERS of traditional people. SO sad they have so much anger inside themselves. BUT please don't take your anger out on me because I'm a traditional old person. I came here with no preconceptions or biases against anybody. NOT looking for trouble. Just trying to make some extra money for Christmas ๐ŸŽ gifts for the kids. 

By the way, are these "nurses" real nurses? Are they actual registered nurses ?  

Finally, I know there's some good people working here and I respect and appreciate you . Don't let the bad ones drown you out. 

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Check out this review of Menlo Park Hardware on Google Maps

If the young Latino cashier won't walk 50- feet to my car with me so I can check if it's the right size wrench ๐Ÿ”ง to buy, what's the point of coming to the local ace hardware ⁉️I can go to any big box store if I want NO HELPFUL SERVICE ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ‘Ž 

Monday, November 27, 2023

Menlo Park Hardware 

So I pulled in here I just needed one little wrench to remove the negative battery cable for a moment as I'm traveling. normally I could pull into any Ace hardware across the United States at least back in the good old days and tell them the problem, and they gladly help. However, the person behind the desk was a Latino teenager or young adult and I told him "I don't know for sure what size I need to loosen the battery cable. Can I take this out to my car and check the size and if it works I'll come back and purchase it?" I even offered to leave my driver's license as collateral. He responded glibly "Unfortunately I cannot do that " as if I was some sort of scam artist trying to get a free wrench. So I'm thinking I went up to the wrong cashier. Normally at many Ace hardwares you can find a good old boy who would say "sure no problem", or at least walk out to the car with you. I think those good old boys are here but I just picked the wrong cashier. 

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Review re Cantor Arts Center at Stanford University

Could you PLEASE sometimes have an event for heterosexuals ? Everytime I go to a special event the description of the event apparently purposely AVOIDS LGBTQ language so as to lure mainstreams in, but then the actual content trends towards LGBTQ propaganda. This happd again recently.

 Can't traditional Christians be given some art events to enjoy? Just like people don't like getting "hit over the head with a Bible", nor do we like getting " hit over the head with the LGBTQ agenda" ALL THE TIME ๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿšซ 

Saturday, October 28, 2023

How they tow a plane in the air

How they tow 
a plane in the air ๐Ÿ‘‡

Oct 25,12 noon the door worker wouldn't allow me in green Library even with digital ID (making complaint)

Oct 25,12 noon the door worker wouldn't allow me in green Library even with digital ID (I am filing complaint)

FYI digital ID IS now being used in CA in conjunction with the DMV (pilot program). This is 2023. 
There's even self-driving cars on the road in the Bay Area. Welcome to a new century 

"In March 2022, Apple announced AZ as the first state to offer DIGITAL driver's licenses on iPhones thru users' Wallet app. CO, MD, & GA have since joined AZ. Additionally, states like DE, FL, MS, MO, OK, & UT have adopted digital ID systems"

@Stanford FYI:
digital ๐Ÿ†” is not a thing of the future, it's HERE & NOW . Of all places, u would expect a cutting- edge institution such as Stanford to be up to par with the NEW NORMAL . 

OR is Stanford 
losing it's edge ⁉️

 or just this one 
worker didn't like me ⁉️

Also see

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Assurance Wireless over-charging re shipping ⁉️ response to FCC

I read their response by email, and they simply reiterated they charge $20 to shop a phone via fed-ex  which does not answer the complaint: the fee seems excessive for such a lightweight object.

 How much does Fed-ex charge them to ship the phone? Why is Assurance Wireless seemingly jacking up the price for shipping for their own profit ? 

 This is a federally funded program. Are they allowed to do this on top of the profit they make from the federal funds they receive ⁉️ Are they "skimming" a little extra this way, expecting the low-income customers to obey without complaint ⁉️

 For low-income customers on a budget every penny matters. Otherwise, they (we) become another tent dweller on the sidewalk,  or worse. This ends up costing society even MORE in the long run: not just financially but also in terms of morale & community as well. 

Please investigate.

SHAME on Green Library worker ๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ˜ก @stanford

prayers4 America ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ & photos from ALL over USA (@AmeriPrayer1) posted at 4:57 PM on Wed, Oct 25, 2023:

SHAME on Green Library worker ๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ˜ก @stanford  for NOT allowing me in with digital ID. FYI digital ID
IS now being used in CA in conjunction w/ DMV (pilot program). This is 2023. there's even self-driving cars on the road in the Bay Area. And yet this Stanford worker won't accept digital id to get into the library for a public event ⁉️ is that even Stanford policy or was this worker going ROGUE⁉️๐Ÿ’ฅ

Furthermore many other states are allowing digital ๐Ÿ†”

"In March 2022, Apple announced AZ as the first state to offer DIGITAL driver's licenses on iPhones thru users' Wallet app. CO, MD, & GA have since joined AZ. Additionally, states like DE, FL, MS, MO, OK, & UT have adopted digital ID systems"

@Stanford FYI:
digital ๐Ÿ†” is not a thing of the future, it's HERE & NOW . Of all places, u would expect a cutting- edge institution such as Stanford to be up to par with the NEW NORMAL . OR is Stanford losing it's edge ⁉️

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

re Cecil H Green Library, Stanford 

I've been to several functions here previously with no problem. However on 10/25/23 I arrived near noon for the "Silicon Valley Talks: Chris Clay, "Unstoppable" presentation in Hohbach Hall. Entering the Green Library I was expecting to go thru the check-in and respectfully told the dude at the entrance my purpose but he insisted I register "using a DL or passport ''.

 I don't normally carry my physical license on me anymore , let alone my passport. But I do have an ONLINE COPY which even police will accept these days. It's on my phone- perfect focus etc. 
Front & back. Passport too.

 But the dude refused to accept it. He insisted I go back to my car and get a physical copy. Since I parked on El Camino to avoid a parking ticket & save a few dollars ( NOT all of us are independently wealthy, & Do have a budget) , this would entail a 20-minute walk to my car & a 20-minute walk back. The presentation is only an hour usually.

 I was quite upset that this fellow was being so stubborn about demanding a physical ๐Ÿ†”. I wonder if this is even actual policy or did he just make a knee-Jerk negative response & then double down on it⁉️ I told him this "isn't the Stanford way" and I'm  a big Stanford supporter in terms of attendance.

 I should have asked to speak with a supervisor rather than trying to hope for common sense from this bossy student worker ๐Ÿ‘Ž (btw, most student workers I've encountered here are great ๐Ÿ‘. This one seemed to have a bias against me๐Ÿ‘Ž).  

If a super sees this, please rectify this so it doesn't happen again. Virtual identification is just as valid as a physical , even preferred in some places these days . 

Joy Lender

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Arrogance at St. Thomas Aquinas Church ,Palo Alto ๐Ÿ‘Ž 

It's 10/22/23 & the priest still wears a mask ⁉️ that's too superstitious for me. Then the Asian- American guy comes down in the middle of homily counting HOW MANY BODIES are in the pew, pausing deliberately & arrogantly with his little pencil and paper ๐Ÿ“œ. He could easily count every single person just standing from the back. & He looks like a supremacist . 

Now the priest is making a political homily saying a country shouldn't try to have revenge against their enemies . Obvious anti-israel message. Self-defense is NOT revenge.

 Unfortunately the far- lefty or just simply low-information congregation sits there passively as I walk out shaking my head. This church seems to have gone ROGUE- maybe the diocese Bishop needs to step in and take a look. Shake things up a little bit. It's bad. Really bad ๐Ÿ‘Ž.